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Steinmeier talks about a tough year

"World showed its dark side"

The candles are burning in Bellevue Palace: the Federal President delivers his Christmas
The candles are burning in Bellevue Palace: the Federal President delivers his Christmas address against a dark world

Steinmeier talks about a tough year

War in Ukraine, Hamas massacres in Israel and no prospect of peace in the near future: In his Christmas address, Federal President Steinmeier prepares citizens for a challenging world situation. It is now important not to succumb to anger and contempt.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called on people in Germany not to give up hope for peace and to come together as a society. This year, the world has "shown its dark side", Steinmeier said in his Christmas address. Everyone longs for a more peaceful world, including himself. "And I believe we must never give up on it."

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is now entering its second winter and since the fall "we have been horrified to see the atrocities committed by Hamas and the victims of the war in the Middle East," Steinmeier continued. It is legitimate to expect political leaders "to struggle for the right path, but also to provide answers that help us as a country".

However, when things get tough in a democracy, "there are better advisors than anger and contempt", Steinmeier continued, calling for cohesion. There are also better advisors than "those who act as if there is always a simple answer to the questions of the future".

"Coming to terms with the world together"

Instead, it is about "courage and togetherness", Steinmeier continued. All people must be taken into account, "regardless of where and how they live: whether in the city or in the country, whether they are young or old, whether they are immigrants or have always lived here", said the German head of state. "We will only ever get further together, not if everyone withdraws into their own world."

He did not want to "imagine a Germany in which everyone withdraws," said Steinmeier. "As sensible and responsible people, together we can cope with a world that challenges us."

The Federal President made his comments against the backdrop of the growing popularity of the AfD, which is currently the strongest force in polls in some federal states. Added to this are the consequences of the war in Ukraine, which can be felt in everyday life, as well as a heated atmosphere in view of the crisis situation in the Middle East.

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In light of the challenging global situation, Federal President Steinmeier encourages Germans to celebrate a peaceful Christmas, despite the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. Moreover, Steinmeier emphasizes the importance of unity and understanding among all people, emphasizing that "we will only ever get further together, not if everyone withdraws into their own world."


