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State media report at least 103 dead in explosions in Iran

On the anniversary of the death of Iranian General Ghassem Soleimani, who was killed by the USA in 2020, more than 100 people were killed in two explosions in Iran, according to the latest information from state television.

Iranian mourners gathered during the final stage of the funeral procession for slain
Iranian mourners gathered during the final stage of the funeral procession for slain General Ghassem Soleimani in his hometown of Kerman on January 7,

Anniversary of the death of General Soleimani - State media report at least 103 dead in explosions in Iran

On the anniversary of the death of the powerful Iranian general Ghassem Soleimani, at least 103 people were killed in two explosions in his home town of Kerman. After initial reports of more than 20, the death toll has continued to rise according to state media. As the state news agency Irna reported on Wednesday, more than 170 people were also injured.

Explosions in Iran at memorial service for General Soleimani

The two explosions shook Kerman, where Soleimani's grave is located in a mosque, ten minutes apart, reported the Iranian news agency Isna, citing the mayor of the southern city. A crowd of people was caught up in the detonations.

According to the semi-state news agency Nournews, "several gas canisters exploded on the road to the cemetery". The Iranian news agency Tasnim, on the other hand, reported that two bags of explosives had exploded on site. The perpetrators "apparently detonated the bombs by remote control", Tasnim reported. In a video published on X by the Iranian news agency SNN, people flee the suspected explosion site, with smoke rising in the background. Other eyewitness videos show injured people.

Two explosions occurred on the road leading to ‘Gulzar Shahadai Kerman’ (the graveyard where General Qassem Soleimani is burried), several wounded and at least 20 killed

— SNN (@snntv_en) January 3, 2024

During a live broadcast by a state television reporter, rescuers could be seen rushing to a hospital with injured people in the background. Images from the attack sites showed blood-covered sidewalks, damaged vehicles and shredded clothing.

A local official was quoted in the media as saying that these were "terrorist attacks". Initially, no group claimed responsibility for the alleged attack. Terrorist attacks on this scale are extremely rare in Iran.

Donald Trump ordered drone attack in which Soleimani died

On Wednesday, Iran commemorated the fourth anniversary of the death of Soleimani, who was killed by the US military in Iraq on January 3, 2020. Soleimani was killed in a drone attack near Baghdad ordered by then US President Donald Trump.

The general commanded the Al-Quds Brigades, the branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards responsible for foreign missions, and was considered a hero of the Iran-Iraq war in his home country. Trump said at the time that he had ordered the drone attack in response to a series of attacks on US bases in Iraq.

Soleimani is revered as a martyr by pro-government supporters. Propaganda pictures of the general are also emblazoned on the walls of buildings in the capital Tehran.

Editor's note: This article will be updated on an ongoing basis.

Read also:

The explosions that took place on the anniversary of General Soleimani's death occurred in his hometown of Kerman, Iran. The two devastating explosions occurred near the Gulzar Shahadai Kerman, where Soleimani is buried.


