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Stars go into a rage over the TV duel

"How this f*** lies"

Many celebrities were among those who watched the duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on TV.
Many celebrities were among those who watched the duel between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on TV.

Stars go into a rage over the TV duel

The meeting between US-President Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump in front of television cameras will naturally attract many celebrities as well. Some of the usual suspects couldn't help but share their opinions, sometimes with drastic words.

The TV duel between the sitting US-President Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump is creating high waves. While it was already 3 am here, the debate aired in the best prime time slot on CNN in the US. Among those who watched it live on TV were, of course, many celebrities. Some, who had previously identified themselves as supporters of one or the other political camp, were not shy about commenting in social media.

Singer Bette Midler, who is 78 years old, made particularly drastic comments before the TV duel began. "All my friends are taking their blood pressure medication and getting ready for the debate. I wonder how many TV screens will break tonight?", she declared on X.

As the debate got underway, Biden's Democratic and Biden supporter was particularly incensed about Trump being the "worst president in the history of the United States" and a "bastard." But that wasn't enough for her. "Oh my God, how this asshole lies," Midler blurted out about Trump on X, later adding "Lies, lies, and more lies."

Horror novel author Stephen King, who is also a prominent Trump critic, was particularly incensed about the media circus surrounding the debate. "Good God! The TV networks are packaging this as entertainment, like a boxing match, and selling democracy for a song. It's a shame," he wrote on X.

Entertainer Barbra Streisand took a similar stance. The 82-year-old referred to debates as "not governing." "Biden can govern very well. He's experienced and has achieved much," she wrote on X, after Biden was labeled a loser by many.

Few high-profile stars are on Trump's side. One of them is Caitlyn Jenner, the former athlete and reality TV star. She once again spoke out against Biden on X, labeling him a "total failure" who is "clearly in mental decline."

Another member of Team Trump is Roseanne Barr. The actress, best known for her sitcom "Roseanne," gave a jovial assessment of the debate's outcome. "Biden is clearly not present. That's sad. Obama is sacrificing his friend to push his radical politics forward, and I don't want anyone celebrating that," she wrote on X and added: "Trump is clearly the better choice ... but let's pray for our country instead."

Prayers will not decide the next US presidential election on November 5, but the votes of voters will. And Biden, according to the almost unanimous opinion of all observers, gave a strong performance in the TV duel. The support of celebrities, which is much greater than that for Trump, will serve him well in the future - assuming he even runs for re-election.

  1. Despite being a critic of Donald Trump, legendary singer Bette Midler expressed her concerns about the upcoming US presidential election debate, predicting potential damage to TV screens due to the intense political discourse.
  2. Barbra Streisand, an vocal supporter of Joe Biden, viewed debates as non-governing activities but acknowledged Biden's capability to govern effectively and his achievements, contrasting him to Trump's alleged lack of presence.
  3. Despite a significant number of celebrities supporting Joe Biden, there are some prominent figures, such as Caitlyn Jenner and Roseanne Barr, who remain loyal to Donald Trump, praising his performance in the TV duel and expressing concern for Biden's supposed mental decline.

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