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Stars despair over the debate

Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand for Joe Biden - Caitlyn Jenner and Roseanne Barr for Trump: how the stars reacted to the TV debate.

Donald Trump (l.) and Joe Biden fought a duel via CNN.
Donald Trump (l.) and Joe Biden fought a duel via CNN.

TV duel between Biden and Trump - Stars despair over the debate

US-President Joe Biden (81) and challenger Donald Trump (78) faced off for the first time in the US Presidential campaign on Thursday. Many celebrities followed the debate on CNN and spared no comments in social media.

Bette Midler against "Bastard" Trump

Bette Midler (78), an ardent supporter of Joe Biden and the Democrats, was particularly vocal. "All my friends are taking their blood pressure medication and getting ready for the debate. I wonder how many TV screens will break tonight?", the entertainer wrote on X.

The supporter of Joe Biden and the Democrats labeled Donald Trump as the "worst president in the history of the United States" among other things. This was one of the milder descriptions of the Republican. Elsewhere, she referred to him as "Bastard" or wrote "Oh my God, how this a**hole lies."

"Lies, lies and more lies", the singer and actress also commented: "Every word out of his mouth is a lie."

Stephen King and Barbra Streisand criticize media circus

Stephen King (76), a prominent Trump critic, took a more measured approach. He criticized the media circus surrounding the debate instead. "Good God! The TV networks package this as entertainment, like a boxing match, and sell democracy for a damn. It's a shame", wrote the author on X.

Barbra Streisand (82) also went in a similar direction. She pointed out that "debates are not governing". "It's about theatrics on TV. Biden can govern very well. He's experienced and accomplished", she wrote likewise on X. The ailing Joe Biden was described as the loser of the debate by many observers.

Caitlyn Jenner fights for Trump - Roseanne Barr prays for America

Given the traditionally liberal nature of American show business, few high-profile stars joined Team Trump. The former athlete and reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner (74) threw her support behind Joe Biden. She called him a "total failure" who is "undoubtedly in mental decline" on X.

Team Trump also includes Roseanne Barr (71). She expressed no joy over her candidate's apparent victory. "Biden is clearly not present", she wrote on X. And further: "That's sad. Obama sacrifices his friend to push his radical politics forward, and I don't want anyone celebrating that."

Donald Trump considers the comedian to be the better candidate - nevertheless, she plans to "pray for our country" after this debate.

  • Despite being in the liberal-leaning world of showbiz, Caitlyn Jenner (74) chose to back Joe Biden, labeling him as a "failure" and suspecting mental decline.
  • Roseanne Barr (71), a supporter of Donald Trump, expressed her disappointment in Biden's performance during the debate, saying he seemed absent and expressing her desire to pray for the country.
  • Barbra Streisand (82) critiqued the debate as more about theatrics on TV, emphasizing that governing abilities are more important than theatrical skills.
  • Bette Midler (78), an ardent supporter of Joe Biden and the Democrats, reiterated her disdain for Donald Trump, referring to him as "the worst president in the history of the United States" and using profane language to express her disgust with his lies.

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