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SPD parliamentary group wants follow-up funding for e-cars

Major discussion announced

The budget crisis led to the end of subsidies for
The budget crisis led to the end of subsidies for

SPD parliamentary group wants follow-up funding for e-cars

It's an abrupt end: at the weekend, the German government halts subsidies for e-cars. The SPD parliamentary group is not satisfied with this. "We will definitely have to discuss a lot more in the coming weeks," says parliamentary group deputy leader Miersch and calls for a "transitional solution".

Following the end of the electric car subsidy in Germany, the SPD parliamentary group is calling for a follow-up subsidy. His parliamentary group is fighting for a "transitional solution", said deputy parliamentary group leader Matthias Miersch on ARD's "Morgenmagazin". In mobility, but also in the building sector, state funding is necessary in order to achieve climate policy goals. "We will definitely have to discuss a lot more in the coming weeks."

Miersch announced that the SPD parliamentary group would fight for such funding in the budget consultations in January, even though the federal government has announced the end. "We are self-confident parliamentarians," he said. It is in the nature of things that the Bundestag can make corrections to the federal government's package - this was also the case with the long-disputed heating law by Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck of the Greens.

Miersch said that he shared the skepticism of experts that the target of 15 million e-cars in Germany by 2030 could no longer be achieved with the bonus for e-cars that ended on Sunday. Follow-up funding must therefore be created: "We need follow-up funding for many people who would otherwise not be able to afford it."

Abrupt end to funding

On Saturday, the Federal Ministry of Economics announced that applications for the environmental bonus could only be submitted on the following Sunday. The abrupt end was justified in ministry circles by the fact that money had become scarce in the budget. The background to this is the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the federal debt brake. As part of their austerity program, the coalition leaders of the SPD, Greens and FDP agreed a few days ago to phase out state funding "in the near future". They left the end date open.

Before the federal government had to correct its budget planning, it was planned to grant a purchase premium of up to 4500 euros for new cars until the end of the year. In addition, the manufacturers were to receive half of the bonus, i.e. up to 2250 euros. On January 1, 2024, the state bonus was to be reduced to 3000 euros and then expire at the end of 2024. Now all of this is no longer applicable.

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