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SPD parliamentary group reprimands Habeck for abruptly stopping subsidies for e-cars

"Extremely unfortunate"

The purchase premium for electric cars is only available for registered cars, not for cars
The purchase premium for electric cars is only available for registered cars, not for cars that have already been

SPD parliamentary group reprimands Habeck for abruptly stopping subsidies for e-cars

This Sunday, the application deadline for a state subsidy for the purchase of an electric car ends. The SPD parliamentary group considers the surprise announcement on Saturday to be "extremely unfortunate" and is calling for a slower transition from Economics Minister Habeck.

In the opinion of the SPD parliamentary group, the stop to the state purchase incentive for electric cars is too abrupt. According to Robert Habeck's Ministry of Economic Affairs, the application deadline for the subsidy is to end this Sunday at midnight. "However, we feel that the funding stop on December 17, which was announced at short notice on Saturday, is extremely unfortunate," three deputy SPD parliamentary group leaders told the German Press Agency. "We are therefore calling on Climate Protection Minister Habeck to organize a more reliable transition."

Parliamentary group deputies Detlef Müller, Matthias Miersch and Verena Hubertz explained: "Citizens expect realistic transition periods from political decision-makers. When buying a new car, most people have to calculate very carefully how they can afford it and have certainly factored in the premium."

In principle, however, they support the premature expiry of the subsidy. "In view of the overall budgetary situation, savings have to be made in a wide variety of areas. The coalition has therefore agreed to phase out the e-car subsidy program," explained the three Social Democrats. According to the ministry, the e-car subsidy was previously due to expire at the end of 2024 - or before then if the funds were used up.

Sharp criticism also from the ZDK

As of Saturday, the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (Bafa) will now only continue to process applications that have been received by the end of this Sunday, as announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Subsidies that have already been approved are therefore not affected by the end of the subsidy period and will be paid out.

The Zentralverband Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (ZDK) also sharply criticized the abrupt end of funding. "This is an incredible breach of trust for tens of thousands of customers who have ordered their e-vehicles on the assumption that the subsidy will be paid out," said ZDK President Arne Joswig in a statement. "The minimum would be to let the environmental bonus run until the end of the year and at the same time, in coordination with the federal states and local authorities, ensure that registration offices remain open until December 31, 2023, so that registrations can be made."

Joswig went on to explain: "If we assume a realistic 60,000 affected vehicles and a premium of 4,500 euros each, we are talking about 270 million euros, which will primarily be charged to customers. The goal of getting 15 million battery electric vehicles on Germany's roads by 2030 is moving even further away."

Read also:

The SPD parliamentary group aligns with the ZDK in expressing disappointment towards Robert Habeck's sudden termination of electric car subsidies, as many customers have ordered vehicles under the assumption of continued funding. In a statement, ZDK President Arne Joswig criticizes the move, suggesting that extending the environmental bonus until the end of the year and keeping registration offices open until December 31 could mitigate the impact. Meanwhile, SPD parliamentary group deputies Müller, Miersch, and Hubertz agree with the subsidy's phase-out due to budgetary constraints but advocate for a smoother transition period.




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