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"Spatzl" will never give interviews again

Ruth Maria Kubitschek is retiring. In a final interview, she looks back on her career and her "Monaco Franze" success.

Ruth Maria Kubitschek retired as an actress ten years ago - here she was a guest on Markus Lanz
Ruth Maria Kubitschek retired as an actress ten years ago - here she was a guest on Markus Lanz in

Ruth Maria Kubitschek - "Spatzl" will never give interviews again

Ten years ago, she retired from acting with her last movie role in "Frau Ella" alongside Matthias Schweighöfer (42). In a recent interview with the magazine "Stern", Ruth Maria Kubitschek (92) says that this was "a good end" to her career. "Playing more ancient women wasn't interesting. I had written the best roles for myself anyway," says the celebrated German actress.

She is referring in particular to her memorable role as "Spatzl" in Helmut Dietl's (1944-2015) cult series"Monaco Franze" (1983) alongside Helmut Fischer (1926-1997) as "der ewige Stenz": "The character is largely identical to me." Annette von Soettingen, alias "Spatzl", was initially "an empty role".

However, her own stories eventually filled the character with life, says Ruth Maria Kubitschek."Helmut Dietl and the author Patrick Süskind (74) always invited me to the 'Rossini' celebrity restaurant in Munich. They knew that I couldn't hold my liquor and deliberately poured me more," she reports in the interview. "I told them all sorts of things about my life when I was drunk." This is how the "Spatzl" took shape.

Ruth Maria Kubitschek: "The Spatzl set me free"

"The two of them saw my apartment, the elegant English and Chinese furniture in it, and so it became an antiques dealer. Then there was my escape story, which they incorporated," recalls the now 92-year-old. "And because I was friends with a gay couple at the time, who I visited once a year in Bermuda, the story of the rich emigrants came into the series."

Despite the similarities, there were also significant differences between her and her role. "She let her Franze get away with everything," explains Ruth Maria Kubitschek, "I never did any of that, it would have been impossible for me. I always left, I left my men". Nevertheless, she learned a lot from her famous role: "The Spatzl liberated me."

That was her last interview

She is now freeing herself from the pressure of remaining in the public eye. In an interview with "Stern", she emphasized at the end that this was the "last interview" she wanted to give. "I think everything has been said now," says Kubitschek.

Ruth Maria Kubitschek has lived in Ascona on Lake Maggiore since spring 2022. She was born in 1931 in what was then Czechoslovakia and fled with her parents to Saxony-Anhalt. She later left the GDR with her son Alexander and her then husband, the opera director Götz Friedrich. From 1976 until his death, she was in a relationship with "Traumschiff" producer Wolfgang Rademann (1934-2016) for 40 years.

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