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Spain's PM faces fierce criticism from Israel's top diplomat.

Acknowledgement of Palestinian Statehood

Israels Außenminister Israel Katz lehnt eine Zweistaatenlösung im Nahostkonflikt ab.
Israels Außenminister Israel Katz lehnt eine Zweistaatenlösung im Nahostkonflikt ab.

Spain's PM faces fierce criticism from Israel's top diplomat.

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, has criticized the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, for promoting the destruction of the State of Israel and a Palestinian Islamist terror state. Katz expressed his thoughts on Twitter, saying: "Khamenei, al-Sinwar, and Díaz all desire the annihilation of the State of Israel and the creation of a Palestinian terrorist government from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea."

Katz directly addressed Sánchez, stating: "If you don't dismiss your deputy and recognize the establishment of a Palestinian state, you're collaborating in inciting murder against Jewish people and committing war crimes."

The Spanish Deputy Prime Minister, Yolanda Díaz, caused controversy when she ended a video posted on X with the statement: "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea." This implies that Palestine should have control of land stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea - where Israel currently exists. This phrase is problematic as it asserts Palestinian sovereignty, negating Israel's right to exist. To Israelis, it suggests the need for either the killing or expulsion of Jews in their state.

Spain has been a vocal opponent of Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip for some time. The left-wing Spanish administration had already halted all weapons exports to Israel after the attack by Hamas on Israel and the ensuing military action in Gaza. On Wednesday, it was announced that Spain, Norway, and Ireland intend to acknowledge a Palestinian state.

The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reacted angrily, calling the ambassadors of the three countries to the Foreign Ministry for a stern reprimand.

The diplomatic conflict between Madrid and Jerusalem intensified on Friday when Israel announced severe restrictions on the operations of Spanish diplomats in the country. As a result, the Spanish embassy in Tel Aviv and the consulate general in East Jerusalem may no longer provide services to Palestinians from the West Bank, which is under Israeli occupation.

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