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Sons want to make up with Britney Spears

After a public dispute

The last time Britney Spears and her sons were as exuberant as here in 2013 was a long time ago.
The last time Britney Spears and her sons were as exuberant as here in 2013 was a long time ago.

Sons want to make up with Britney Spears

The relationship between Britney Spears and her sons has been troubled for years. An interview from 2022, in which Jayden made various accusations against his famous mother, certainly did not contribute to reconciliation. However, it is now reported that the two parties are approaching each other again.

Britney Spears' issues with her two sons Sean Preston and Jayden James have been making headlines for years. The singer lost custody of her children to their father Kevin Federline in 2008 and has reportedly had little contact with them since then. However, it is now reported that they spoke on the phone on Mother's Day, as Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan revealed to "Page Six". The signs point to reconciliation.

"Apparently reconciliation/reunion is something complex and can be a process that takes some time", explains Kaplan. The call was "a good sign and a step in the right direction", he added, but "more than just a phone call is necessary for complete reconciliation".

Sean and Jayden have lived with their father Kevin Federline, his wife, and their children in Hawaii since 2023. Recently, there have been media reports that Spears flew to the island to meet with her children - Kaplan denies this. "Kevin supports the fact that the boys have a relationship with their mother and is happy that they finally spoke to her on Mother's Day, but the reports that she flew to Hawaii and met with them are not true", he emphasizes.

Public feud after TV interview

The relationship between the popstar and her children has been tense for years, and the two parties have publicly attacked each other on several occasions. In June 2023, Kaplan told the US celebrity portal "TMZ" that Spears had not seen her sons "for over a year".

A possible reason for this could have been an interview with the broadcaster ITV that Jayden Spears gave in 2022. The then 15-year-old stated, among other things, that his mother had had problems paying attention to her two sons and "showing us the same love". His older brother was allegedly neglected. Furthermore, he defended his grandfather against the accusations of Spears placing him under conservatorship.

Britney Spears - apparently angry about her son's accusations - did not want to let it go unanswered and responded to the now 17-year-old via an Instagram post: "My dear child, you must understand that you need to read a book and learn to think before you speak about my intelligence", it read among other things. If he wanted to say with his "reasonable, brilliant mind" that what their parents did to her was okay, then she as a mother had failed.

Sean and Jayden were born in 2005 and 2006 during Britney Spears' turbulent marriage to Federline. A year later, the pair divorced, and for the musician, a deteriorating mental health began. In 2008, she lost custody and was placed under conservatorship, which only ended in 2021 after 13 years.

Britney Spears' mother might be proud to see the progress in her relationship with her sons, given her role as a grandmother. Despite the public feud caused by Jayden's 2022 interview where he made accusations against Britney, the pop star and her sons seem to be taking steps towards reconciliation.

The entertainment industry closely follows Britney Spears' journey towards rebuilding her relationship with her children, especially after the impact of Jayden's past accusations and the tumultuous period in Spears' life.

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