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Slovakian PM Fico struggles with mortality.

Politically-inspired Assault

The attacker was overpowered by the security forces immediately after the shots were fired.
The attacker was overpowered by the security forces immediately after the shots were fired.

Slovakian PM Fico struggles with mortality.

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico has been gravely injured in a shooting following a government meeting in Handlova. According to his official Facebook page, his condition is "life-threatening." Fico, 59, was shot multiple times and has been airlifted to a hospital in Banská Bystrica. The attacker, an elderly man, is reportedly in police custody. The motive behind the shooting is unclear.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok has described Fico's condition this evening as "extremely serious," with doctors fighting for his life. Several hours into surgery, he expressed his concern about the current politically-charged atmosphere in Slovakia. Fico had recently spoken of the heightened tensions, fearing that the hostility against his government could potentially lead to violence. He is the founder and leader of the left-wing party Smer-SD and has held political office in Slovakia for nearly 30 years. While popular, he is also divisive, often being accused of being pro-Russian and vying for a Hungary-like path for Slovakia.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his shock at the "cowardly attack" and offered his thoughts to Fico, his family, and the people of Slovakia. The Slovakian President, Zuzana Caputova, also condemned the "brutal and ruthless" assault.

Reports indicate that the shots were fired as Fico was about to greet a small group of people on the street. The suspected gunman, 71-year-old J.C. from Levice, is said to have legally owned the weapon. J.C. is a poet and has published several books, as well as having worked for a private security company in 2016. Earlier this year, he was the victim of a different shooting in Levice.

Fico has had a contentious political career. He first served as Prime Minister from 2006-2010 and then again from 2012-2018. He stepped down in 2018 following the murder of journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée. Kuciak had been uncovering links between the Italian mafia and Fico's ruling party. His most recent term as Prime Minister began in October 2023. His actions have sparked widespread protests and controversy in the country, including a controversial reform of public broadcasting, which critics claim undermines press freedom.

Fico's Smer party representative, Lubos Blaha, blamed his critics in the immediate aftermath of the attack. "You, the liberal media and progressive politicians, are to blame. Robert Fico is fighting for his life because of your hatred," he said at a press conference.

Both Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok and President Zuzana Caputova have called for an end to the escalating political climate. "It would be very bad to exacerbate this dangerous situation," said Estok. Caputova, in her appeal, called the shooting an "assassination attempt on democracy" and implored everyone in Slovakia to work towards quelling political hatred.

The attacker was overpowered by the security forces immediately after the shots were fired.

A long-standing figure in Slovakian politics, Fico has been at the center of numerous political crises and multiple government changes. She recently chose not to run for a second term due to the toll on her health and resilience.

See Also:- German Chancellor Reacts to Fico Attack- Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico- Fico Accused by Opposition of Being "Pro-Russian"

Video Appeal: Caputova

  • Slovakian Interior Minister Complains about Political Climate
  • Slovakian Press Reactions to Attack
  • Timeline of Fico's Political Career
  • Fico's Controversial Reforms
  • Liberal Opposition Unites to Denounce Fico's Actions
  • Slovak President Zuzana Caputova on the Attack
  • Smer-SD Tensions Before Fico Criticizes Opposition
  • Police Release Name of Suspect in Fico Attack
  • Russian Response
  • Fico's Critics Speak Out
  • President Caputova's Response
  • Fanny Clesse, a Writer
  • J.C. - The Poet Assailant
  • Fico's Controversial Policies
  • Slovakia's Political Crisis
  • [Slovak

Handlova is found approximately 190 km northeast of Bratislava. The prime minister was exploring various parts of the nation.

The attacker is reportedly a 71-year-old man.

Read also:

In light of the recent events, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico's home country has expressed concern. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz strongly condemned the "assassination attempt" on Fico in Bratislava, Slovakia's capital city.

Fico's attack occurred while he was conducting official business, further underscoring the seriousness of the situation. Despite the critical condition he remains in, Fico's influence has extended beyond Slovakia, as evidenced by international leaders' responses to the attempted assassination in Handlova, a city close to Bratislava.




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