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Singer Hartmut Engler details his hardships

Troubles Arising from Knee Joints

Playing 28 concerts soon - despite health problems: Pur singer Hartmut Engler.
Playing 28 concerts soon - despite health problems: Pur singer Hartmut Engler.

Singer Hartmut Engler details his hardships

When Hartmut Engler makes public appearances, he frequently uses a cane due to health troubles that he's been dealing with for some time. This 62-year-old singer from Pur is suffering from arthrosis in both knees, a progressive joint degeneration. Despite this, he's set to embark on tour with his band this coming Saturday.

The Pur's Open-Air Tour is gearing up, starting this weekend in Emmendingen. Despite the health issues faced by frontman Hartmut Engler, he's preparing for the concerts. In an interview with "Bild" newspaper, Engler spoke about his struggle.

According to him, he's been grappling with knee pain due to arthrosis for some time. "I've had this diagnosis for a while and have just endured a challenging health year filled with intense pains, a knee surgery requiring hospitalization, and numerous restrictions," says the singer.

During the 2023 "Persönlich" tour, which consisted of twelve concerts, he needed bandages, tapes, and even orthoses. "On stage, I didn't feel any pain because the applause and adrenaline invigorated me," explains Engler. However, he admits that after the shows, he often yelled in joy and pain. He could only lie down in bed afterwards, as the pains sometimes haunted him throughout the night.

"Overdoing it"

Before his health problems, Engler was quite active and always on the move. "Until my mid-50s, I ran five to ten kilometers every week. Combined with over a thousand concerts involving a lot of movement," says Engler and adds: "Apparently, that was a bit too much."

Two months after the 2023 tour, he underwent surgery. He received a metal plate under his left knee cap. After that, he had to undergo a long rehabilitation, says Engler. "Unfortunately, I also tore a muscle tendon in my left leg, which slowed down the healing process," he adds. His left knee is unfortunately "still unstable," and he has been experiencing pain in his right knee as well. His pillar of strength during this tough time: his life partner, whom he has been engaged to since 2010. "Fortunately, my Katrin was always by my side, assisting me in all life situations."

The upcoming Open-Air Tour is expected to proceed as planned despite Engler's knee problems. The 28 concerts scheduled until September 7 are not at risk, it is said. "Pur fans don't need to worry, because we're going to give you a rocking summer together," assures Engler. "Luckily, I don't sing with my knees. The doctor suggested that moving on stage can also serve as therapy."

Engler attends the rehearsal day

He even didn't want to miss the first rehearsal day for the Open-Air Tournee 2024: "First rehearsal day for the Open-Air Tournee 2024," the band announced in a group photo on Instagram.

"Usually, the first rehearsal day is meant for a 'small' crew, that is, the band without Hartmut, to scrutinize the songs and arrangements in detail. But Hartmut can't help but drop by for a quick visit, to soak up the atmosphere and prepare himself well for the production rehearsals with big equipment and our crew," explains the band. And further: "We're so excited to see you!"

In the past summer, the Open-Air Tour was announced. Among others, the musicians are scheduled to perform again at the Berlin Waldbühne after more than 20 years. The concert series is titled "Personal - Under the Open Sky". Besides the songs from the current album "Personal", the band's biggest hits from their 40-year history will also be presented, such as "Lena", "Sparkling Eye Gemstones", or "Adventure Land".

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