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Significantly more new cars have been registered in Germany

In 2023

Significantly more new cars have been registered in Germany

Significantly more new cars were registered in Germany last year: 2.84 million cars were registered, an increase of 7.3 percent compared to the previous year, according to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) in Flensburg on Thursday. The CO2 emissions of passenger cars also rose, by 4.9 percent to an average of 114.9 grams per kilometer per car.

According to the figures, the number of cars with petrol engines rose by 13.3 percent to just under 979,000, accounting for 34 percent of the total. More new diesel cars were also sold than in 2022: their number grew to just under 487,000, but their share fell slightly by 0.7 percentage points to 17.1 percent. Pure electric cars (524,000) achieved a higher share, namely 18.4 percent. Hybrid cars (840,000) had a share of 29.5 percent.

New registrations of electric cars thus rose by 11% compared to the previous year, while those of hybrid cars fell by half (52%) due to the discontinuation of state subsidies in January 2023.

This year, car expert Constantin Gall from the management consultancy EY expects the new car market to "stagnate at the current level". This means it will once again be "substantially below the pre-crisis level" in 2019. "The current economic weakness and the considerable geopolitical tensions are leading to a reluctance to buy among both private individuals and companies," explained Gall.

He expects combustion engines to regain market share: "The surprising complete end to the state purchase premium will lead to a decline in new electric car registrations this year." This is because the market for electric cars is still dependent on state subsidies. "Where there are no subsidies and no investment in a good charging infrastructure, only a few electric cars will be sold."

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