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Shipping company Maersk suspends voyages in the Red Sea

There have been two attacks by Houthi rebels on a container ship belonging to the Danish shipping company. Maersk Line has now suspended shipping in the Red Sea.

After attacks on a Maersk cargo ship, the incident is to be investigated.
After attacks on a Maersk cargo ship, the incident is to be investigated.

After Huthi attack - Shipping company Maersk suspends voyages in the Red Sea

Following two attacks on a container ship belonging to the Danish shipping company Maersk Line in the Red Sea, the company has suspended sailings through the affected area. All transits were to be suspended for 48 hours in order to investigate the incident and assess the security situation, the company told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

Maersk confirmed that the ship "Maersk Hangzhou" was hit by an object on Saturday evening after it had passed the Bab al-Mandab strait heading north. However, the ship was initially able to continue on its course. However, four boats later approached the ship, opened fire and attempted to board the cargo ship. The attack was successfully repelled with the help of a military helicopter and the ship's security team, the statement continued. The crew is reportedly safe, the company emphasized.

The US military had also previously reported the incident and blamed pro-Iranian Huthi rebels in Yemen for the attack. US helicopters had sunk three of the four attacking boats, according to a statement from the responsible US regional command on the X platform, formerly Twitter. Their crews had been killed. The fourth boat escaped. There was no damage or casualties on the US side.

David Cameron: Iran should help prevent Houthi attacks

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron believes Iran has a duty to help stop the attacks by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. He made this clear in a conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hussein Amirabdollahian, Cameron wrote on the short message service X (formerly Twitter). The background to this was that Iran had been supporting the Houthis for a long time.

Since the outbreak of the Gaza war, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who are allied with Iran, have repeatedly attacked Israel with drones and missiles. Most recently, they have also repeatedly attacked ships in the Red Sea - one of the most important shipping routes for global trade, which connects the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal in Egypt.

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