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She's stashing the award funds within her residence.

Due to allegations of unpaid alimony, Oliver Pocher finds Amira Aly utilizing her winnings from 'Beat the Star' for this particular reason.

- She's stashing the award funds within her residence.

Amira Aly, age 31, triumphed over Vanessa Mai, 32, at "Beat the Star" on Saturday night, pocketing a solid 100,000 euros in earnings. Contrary to several victorious contestants of ProSieben's show, she has no intentions of donating the prize money, but rather intends to use it for her own home in Cologne, which she's constructing for herself and her two sons. This was disclosed by the ex-spouse of comedian Oliver Pocher, 46, to "Bild" newspaper.

She couldn't help but take a swipe at her ex-husband. "Just like his public statements", he doesn't contribute a dime towards the children they share. Thus, she needs the money for the kids' rooms in the new home and "all the other financial obligations that come with being a single mother".

Oliver Pocher has been neglecting child support payments since their separation a year ago, Amira Aly informed "Bild". She has waived alimony for herself. Moreover, contrary to rumors, Oliver Pocher hasn't compensated his ex-wife to relinquish his surname. At "Beat the Star", she made her first appearance since their separation in late July 2024, under her birth name, Aly.

"Math wasn't her strong suit": Oliver Pocher counters

Oliver Pocher has replied to Amira Aly's declarations in the "Bild" newspaper. "Math was never her strong suit", he retorted on Instagram. It appears she's made mistakes before, such as determining when they weren't together to date others. Or who had custody of the kids when. And how much was earned during and after the relationship.

Oliver Pocher intends to share his own calculations on stage soon. In the Instagram story, he also publicizes the upcoming dates of his tour "The Love Jester" and hints at a "reconciliation".

He also couldn't help but comment on Amira Aly's new partner, moderator Christian Dürren, 34. "Where was Christian"? the comedian wrote. The 34-year-old wasn't in the "Beat the Star" studio.

Amira Aly's ex-husband, Oliver Pocher, responded to her financial statements in an Instagram post, stating, "Math was never her strong suit." During their separation, Amira Aly made her comeback on "Beat the Star" under her birth name, Aly.

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