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She doesn't want to be in the hall of fame

Singer Cher doesn't need a place in the Hall of Fame. She complains that she has never received an offer from the Hall of Fame.

Cher is an international music
Cher is an international music

Cher - She doesn't want to be in the hall of fame

Cher (77) does not want to join the "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame". "I wouldn't even be in for a million dollars right now," said the singer on Friday during her visit to the "Kelly Clarkson Show".

Cher never received an offer from the music institution

"I'm not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame," explained the 77-year-old. She seems to be annoyed about a lack of offers in the past - after all, she has had at least one number one single in each of the past seven decades. Apart from her, only the Rolling Stones have managed that, according to Cher. She continued: "It takes four of them to be like me." The singer can do without the "Hall of Fame" today. "I'll never change my mind," she told Kelly Clarkson (41).

Sexism accusations against the Hall of Fame

It is not the first time this year that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has been publicly criticized. Singer Courtney Love (59) accused the institution of "sexist gatekeeping" in an opinion piece in the British Guardian. Earlier this year, she wrote about the fact that, according to calculations, only around 8.5 percent of the artists inducted are female.

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