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Seven Commissioners - CSU in favor of reducing the size of the EU Commission

If the CSU has its way, Europe needs a diet at the authorities and in the powerful EU Commission. Fittingly, EU Commission President von der Leyen is expected to attend the CSU conference this weekend.

Parties - Seven Commissioners - CSU in favor of reducing the size of the EU Commission

According to the CSU in the Bundestag, the EU Commission should be radically downsized. "A fast and efficient EU is the prerequisite for being internationally relevant and capable of reacting in crises. This requires far-reaching reforms to the institutions and processes as well as a significant reduction in the size of the EU Commission and its civil service," reads a draft position paper submitted to the German Press Agency in Munich. "We are therefore calling for there to be only seven Commissioners in future instead of 27 and for the other Member States to be represented by junior Commissioners."

"Europe must focus on its core tasks with renewed vigor: Creating prosperity, ensuring security and defending sovereignty," Alexander Dobrindt, head of the regional group, told dpa. This requires efficient institutions with a lean EU Commission at the top. "The aim must be to create a Europe that is competitive, ready to defend itself and strategically independent in the world." The CSU's streamlining wishes go even further: "We also want to critically examine the number and structure of EU authorities and agencies."

EU Commission President at CSU retreat

The Europe passage is part of a position paper that the members of the Bundestag want to adopt at their retreat starting on Saturday in Seeon Monastery in Upper Bavaria. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) is also expected to attend the meeting. In view of the latest CSU demand, the discussion with her is likely to be about more than just the European elections in June.

Another key point in the paper is the demand for the official end of the EU accession process with Turkey: "Turkey under President Erdogan has embarked on a path that is incompatible with the interests, values and identity of the European Union," it says in justification. The CSU also rejects any communitization of debt and demands new free trade agreements with the USA, Australia, India and the Mercosur and Asean economic alliances in South America and Asia respectively.

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The CSU, a party in the Bundestag, advocates for a significant reduction in the size of the EU Commission, proposing only seven Commissioners instead of 27. This call for reform is highlighted in a position paper submitted to the German Press Agency in Munich. Alexander Dobrindt, the head of the CSU's regional group, emphasizes the need for Europe to focus on its core tasks with renewed vigor and efficient institutions. The CSU retreat in Seeon Monastery in Upper Bavaria will adopt this position paper, and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) is expected to attend the meeting. In the position paper, the CSU also criticizes Turkey's incompatible path with EU interests, values, and identity and rejects any communitization of debt.

The CSU's demands include new free trade agreements with countries such as the USA, Australia, India, and economic alliances like Mercosur and ASEAN. These developments regarding the EU Commission and the CSU's position paper are significant within the context of Germany and European politics.

At this year's CSU retreat, they aim to discuss these points, and the upcoming European elections in June could provide an opportunity for further dialogue with the EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen.

The possible implications of these demands and discussions, especially in light of the upcoming European elections, will likely engage the attention of Bavarian politicians and other European parties, including the CSU's sister party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

Given the extensive media coverage and political discussions surrounding these developments, the German Press Agency, and other reputable sources like Stern, will closely monitor the situation in Berlin, Munich, and the broader European community.




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