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Sensational ending" for "Tatort

Farewell in Frankfurt

Wolfram Koch and Margarita Broich bid farewell to the Frankfurt 'Tatort'.
Wolfram Koch and Margarita Broich bid farewell to the Frankfurt 'Tatort'.

Sensational ending" for "Tatort

**"It's so green, when Frankfurt's mountains bloom" will be the last case for the "Tatort" investigators Janneke and Brix, played by Margarita Broich and Wolfram Koch. In September, the Frankfurt investigator duo bids farewell with a "big showdown".

According to Hessische Rundfunk (hr), the last crime thriller "Es grünt so grün, wenn Frankfurts Berge blühen" with the Frankfurt "Tatort" team Janneke and Brix is expected to be seen in about nine weeks on ARD. On September 28, the crime will be aired.

Since the end of June, the successors of the Frankfurt investigator duo have been known. Melika Foroutan and Edin Hasanović will take over. However, their first case will reportedly not be seen until at least the second half of 2025.

The leading role in the last "Tatort" for Janneke and Brix is played by Matthias Brandt, who portrays the reckless psychologist and victim counselor Tristan Grünfels. The press release from hr states: "The situation escalates and the entanglements between Grünfels, Brix, and Janneke culminate in a big showdown."

"Time, Frankfurt, to bid you farewell"

"Colder than death", the first case with Broich and Koch as Anna Janneke and Paul Brix, was aired on May 17, 2015. There was a new crime every year.

Broich, at the end of her time as a "Tatort" investigator, says: "Wolfram and I have known each other for many years from the theater, and the filming with him for the Frankfurt 'Tatort' was pure pleasure." But now it's time to say goodbye to Frankfurt. She wants to focus on other projects, do more theater, and spend more time on photography and her grandchildren."

Her colleague Koch raved about the Frankfurt team as a family, consisting of "the wonderful HR team members, the courageous editing team, which always managed to push through very unusual film projects, and with Margarita Broich, with whom it was always great fun".**

In the world of television entertainment, the entanglements between psychologist Tristan Grünfels, played by Matthias Brandt, and the investigators Janneke and Brix, reach their peak in a crime scene, leading to an intense showdown. Post-September, the Frankfurt "Tatort" duo's stories will transition to a new team, as Melika Foroutan and Edin Hasanović take over, with their debut expected in at least 2025.

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