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Security man with toy pistol controls rail travelers

A drunk employee of a security company pretended to be a controller at a railway station in Saxony. He conducted checks there, carrying a toy pistol.

Railway passengers were amazed by the behavior of a security employee (archive image)
Railway passengers were amazed by the behavior of a security employee (archive image)

Rackwitz near Leipzig - Security man with toy pistol controls rail travelers

A employee of a security company, wearing a vest and toy pistol, conducted unauthorized passenger and luggage checks at a train station in Rackwitz, Saxony, as reported by the Leipzig Police on Monday. Passengers were surprised by the behavior of the drunk 28-year-old and notified train conductors. The conductors called the police, who arrived with a patrol and ended the disturbance.

The incident occurred, according to officials, on the Friday afternoon at the halt of the Rackwitz commune's Zschortau station. The pistol carried by the man during his unauthorized checks was reportedly "apparently a toy gun" by them. He is being investigated for coercion, among other things.

ID and vest confiscated

The responding officers first confiscated the employee's ID and vest. When he claimed to possess additional stun guns, these were also confiscated. He did not have a corresponding weapons permit, leading to investigations for weapons law violations against him.

After confiscating the ID and vest, the Federal Police began questioning the Train Escort about the toy pistol. It was discovered that he had mistakenly brought the toy gun to the train station in Leipzig, a city known for its rich history and culture in Saxony. Despite his initial confusion, the man was still under investigation for intimidating passengers at the Zschortau train station on Friday, acting as an unauthorized Train Escort.

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