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Security expert Mölling calls for better protection for Ukrainian soldiers

According to security expert Christian Mölling, the supply of weapons that enable warfare at a distance is necessary to protect Ukrainian soldiers on the front line.

Christian Mölling still considers Ukraine's fighting morale to be
Christian Mölling still considers Ukraine's fighting morale to be

Podcast "Ukraine - the situation" - Security expert Mölling calls for better protection for Ukrainian soldiers

Security expert Christian Mölling said on Friday in the stern podcast "Ukraine - the situation" that the Ukrainians had no choice at the moment but to allow Russia to force the nature of the conflict on them. They would have to face an opponent with too little ammunition and inadequate weaponry, who is waging a "man-devouring war" with the utmost ruthlessness. It was therefore necessary to supply weapons that would enable the Ukrainian soldiers on the front line to wage war at a distance.

The Research Director of the German Council on Foreign Relations criticized the fact that "we are currently refusing the weapons that would make more democratic warfare possible - i.e. with more stand-off weapons, with more protection for the individual". Specifically, he mentioned aircraft and long-range missiles that could be used behind the front line to weaken Russia's ability to supply its troops. Mölling said: "There are possibilities, but we are not using them. And because we are not using them, Ukraine has no other choice."

Ukraine needs new soldiers

Mölling showed understanding for the efforts of the Ukrainian military leadership to recruit up to 500,000 new soldiers. Recruitment on this scale would also send a signal to Moscow about Ukraine 's ability to withstand the war.

"What other option does Ukraine have?" he asked. "The alternative is that Ukraine will eventually no longer be able to fight due to a lack of soldiers."

Mölling warned against underestimating the will of the Ukrainians to continue the war. After all, they are very aware of the consequences of surrender: "If we lay down our arms, we know that torture and death will come upon us." No one could take the decision about which losses they wanted to tolerate and which not from the Ukrainians.

He expressed confidence that the country would be able to continue the war despite the obvious tensions between President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Commander-in-Chief Valery Salushnyi. However, Mölling warned that Russia could exploit tensions within the leadership in Kiev. "As soon as there is instability or weakness, Russia will seize the opportunity and drive a wedge into it," he said.

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Mölling further emphasized that providing Ukraine with the necessary weapons could help shift the nature of the war towards less deadly forms of conflict, as stated by the Research Director of the German Council on Foreign Relations. He argued, "By supplying Ukraine with equipment like aircraft and long-range missiles, we can enable them to wage war at a distance, reducing the risk of casualties."

Additionally, Mölling highlighted the potential strategic advantages for Russia if internal tensions within Ukraine's leadership were exploited, saying, "Russia has historically shown an ability to capitalize on instability in neighboring countries to further its own interests, so it's crucial that the international community supports Ukraine in maintaining unity and stability within its leadership."


