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Search of Prince Harry's laptop and smartphone required

Prince Harry has been complaining about the British tabloid media for some time. He accuses them of spying on him. The next trial is due to begin in January. But the judge has weighty questions.

Prince Harry at the coronation ceremony of King Charles III in May 2023.
Prince Harry at the coronation ceremony of King Charles III in May 2023.

Lawsuit against "Sun - Search of Prince Harry's laptop and smartphone required

At his lawsuit against The Sun publishing company of the British tabloid "The Sun" for illegal information gathering, Prince Harry suffered a setback. A judge in London reportedly ordered him to explain why numerous messages and documents, allegedly important for the lawsuit with News Group Newspapers (NGN), were deleted. British media reported. This concerns chats between Harry and J.R. Moehringer, his ghostwriter for his autobiography "Spare".

The 39-year-old accuses NGN of illegally collecting private information about him since the age of nine. The publisher denies this, which also applies to the now defunct tabloid "News of the World", which used to belong to the same group. The trial is scheduled to begin in January 2025.

Prince Harry's messages to be scrutinized

According to reports, Judge Timothy Fancourt found there is evidence that "a large number of potentially relevant documents and confidential messages" between Harry and J.R. Moehringer "were deleted at some point between 2021 and 2023". The lawsuit was already pending at that time. Fancourt ruled that a comprehensive search of Harry's laptop, as well as his SMS and WhatsApp messages, is necessary to examine the communication between 2005 and early 2023.

NGN accuses the Fifth in line to the British throne of concealment. He allegedly knew before 2013 that he had a claim for damages. Therefore, the case has expired. However, Harry's lawyer David Sherborne insisted that his client had not exchanged any chat messages about unlawful information gathering.

Harry has been suing British tabloid media for some time, accusing them of spying. In some cases, damages were awarded to him.

  1. The judge's ruling has put a spotlight on the relationship between People, particularly Prince Harry, and the British media, specifically The Sun publishing company.
  2. The alleged deletion of messages and documents has raised questions about Justice in this case, as Prince Harry is accused of withholding potential evidence.
  3. The news of the deletion has sparked intense interest among the Nobility and common people alike, with many following the developments in the tabloid newspaper and online news platforms.
  4. Sun Microsystems, known for its technology solutions, may have nothing to do with this scandal, but the term 'Sun' in this context is largely associated with the British tabloid's reportage.
  5. The trial, scheduled for 2025, has the potential to set a precedent for future cases involving Crime and Privacy, given Prince Harry's high-profile status.
  6. Prince Harry's lawyer has argued against the allegations of concealment, emphasizing his client's commitment to seeking 'Justice' and upholding the integrity of the Monarchy.
  7. The incident has attracted significant attention from the London-based media, as well as international news outlets in Great Britain and beyond, highlighting the global reach of Information procurement and dissemination.
  8. Amidst this controversy, Prince Harry continues to carry out his duties as a member of the Royal Family, maintaining his public profile and contributing to various causes, reminding everyone of his role in preserving the nobility and dignity of the British Monarchy.

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