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Sea-Eye brings 106 boat migrants ashore in Italy

German sea rescuers have saved more than 100 people in their last mission this year. Among them are 45 minors. Many of them are unaccompanied.

The "Sea-Eye 4" reached a port in Italy several days after rescuing boat migrants in
The "Sea-Eye 4" reached a port in Italy several days after rescuing boat migrants in the Mediterranean. (Archive image)

Mediterranean Sea - Sea-Eye brings 106 boat migrants ashore in Italy

The German aid organization Sea-Eye has brought 106 rescued boat migrants ashore in the southern Italian city of Brindisi. The "Sea-Eye 4" reached the port several days after the people were rescued in the central Mediterranean, according to the organization from Regensburg.

The sea rescuers rescued them on Tuesday in international waters south of the Italian island of Lampedusa. The crew had become aware of two unseaworthy boats and had taken the people on board.

Among the migrants were 45 minors - some of them unaccompanied. This was Sea-Eye's last rescue mission of the year, according to the organization.

Numerous people repeatedly try to reach Italy via the Mediterranean in boats that are often unseaworthy. These dangerous crossings sometimes lead to devastating boat accidents. The people either arrive in Italy in their own boats and under their own steam or are picked up by civilian sea rescuers and the Italian coastguard. The Ministry of the Interior in Rome counted more than 155,750 people who reached Italy by sea this year. In the same period last year, the figure was almost 103,850.

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