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Schweighöfer and Verhoeven: Why AI can't do everything

Artificial intelligence is already being used to some extent in the film industry. However, Matthias Schweighöfer and Simon Verhoeven believe that human errors still make films special.

Matthias Schweighöfer (l) and director Simon Verhoeven worked together on the new film "Girl
Matthias Schweighöfer (l) and director Simon Verhoeven worked together on the new film "Girl You Know It's True".

Film industry - Schweighöfer and Verhoeven: Why AI can't do everything

Actor Matthias Schweighöfer and director Simon Verhoeven believe that human mistakes will continue to offer more potential in the film industry than perfect artificial intelligence products. "These little mistakes will be the hits," said Matthias Schweighöfer (42) in an interview with the German Press Agency on the occasion of the release of "Girl You Know It's True" on December 21.

Verhoeven agreed and pointed out a weakness of AI. "I have the feeling that this last human spark, this flaw or this peculiarity of the characters, the personality of the authors will always be missing," said the 51-year-old. Although it is already possible to write entire screenplay scenes with artificial intelligence, there is room for improvement and a lack of human intuition.

Even if it is possible to make films without real actors, this will not completely change the industry, said the director. "People will still want to see real people." However, artificial intelligence could have a supporting effect, for example with visual effects. Experiments are also already being carried out with voices in this context. "I have your voice at home. I can do anything with your voice," Verhoeven said to Schweighöfer with a laugh.

Verhoeven's film "Girl You Know It's True" tells the story of the once successful duo Milli Vanilli - and probably one of the biggest cheating scandals in music history. When it became known in the early 1990s that Robert "Rob" Pilatus and Fabrice "Fab" Morvan had never sung their hits such as "I'm Gonna Miss You" themselves, but had only moved their lips to the voices of others, an outcry went through the music world. Schweighöfer plays the pair's producer, Frank Farian, in the film.

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