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Schools shut down in Pakistan as temperatures soar excessively

Medical facilities on high alert

Authorities close schools in Pakistan due to extreme heat
Authorities close schools in Pakistan due to extreme heat

Schools shut down in Pakistan as temperatures soar excessively

In Pakistan, school closures have been ordered for several days due to soaring temperatures in certain areas of the country. Local authorities provided this information to the German Press Agency. The Pakistan Meteorological Department's spokesperson indicates that temperatures are predicted to be significantly above average over the next few days, with some spots potentially reaching 50 degrees.

In the nation's most densely populated province, Punjab, hospitals are on high alert. This is the third consecutive year that Pakistan has experienced an extraordinary heatwave with temperatures reaching 50 degrees, according to the provincial authority's representative.

In the northern mountainous regions of the country, authorities are also on high alert. Several communities are preparing to evacuate residents as weather experts anticipate flooding due to melting glaciers.

This heatwave comes after unusually heavy rains in the previous month. Pakistan has been witnessing an increase in extreme climate events like floods and droughts, say experts. In summer 2022, the South Asian country suffered a disastrous flood that inundated a third of its territory and caused 1,700 fatalities.

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