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Scholz urges dedication to democracy.

The Federal Chancellor visits Erfurt to address both believers and other community members, urging them all to listen.

"In the end, we as citizens must always defend democracy ourselves," says Olaf Scholz.
"In the end, we as citizens must always defend democracy ourselves," says Olaf Scholz.

House of worship - Scholz urges dedication to democracy.

Prior to addressing the German Catholic Day, Chancellor Olaf Scholz called upon the people of the nation to uphold the principles of democracy. He made these remarks during an interactive session with the "Thuringian General Newspaper" in Erfurt, part of the coalition government's aim to promote democracy. "While this planned law is crucial and will be enacted, it is ultimately our responsibility as citizens to safeguard democracy ourselves."

Scholz is slated to attend a public debate titled "Strengthening Community, Shaping Society - Our Responsibility for Democracy" in the morning.

"We need to do everything in our power to protect democracy if it comes under attack, whether it's the judiciary, police, or intelligence agencies. Authorities must prevent dubious activities and violent threats that can lead to a narrowing of the democratic sphere," Scholz shared during the conversation.

"We cannot accept such threats," he further emphasized. "The state needs our support. But without us actively resisting and defending our democracy, it won't work."

Apart from Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens), Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens), Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens), and Social Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD), former CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is expected to participate in different events alongside the protesters. The Catholic Meeting will last through Sunday and covers discussions related to the protection of democracy and the war and peace issues.

During the citizen’s forum arranged by the newspaper, Scholz answered a myriad of queries - ranging from the Ukraine war to mandatory military service to the timeline on nursing home reform. He also offered his prediction for the upcoming European Football Championship, saying, "We win."

A group of roughly fifty protesters demonstrated against the Israeli actions in Gaza in front of the "Thuringian General Newspaper" building, as reported by a dpa reporter. Unfortunately, Scholz didn't meet with the protesters - he used an alternate entrance.

Read also:

  1. The Traffic Light coalition, consisting of the SPD, Greens, and FDP, has emphasized the importance of safeguarding democracy, with Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck and Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir actively involved in this effort.
  2. During the Catholic Day event, Chancellor Olaf Scholz stressed the responsibility of citizens in preserving democracy, highlighting the potential threats from various institutions.
  3. The Thuringia General Newspaper organized a citizen's forum where Scholz fielded questions on various topics, including the Ukraine war, mandatory military service, nursing home reform, and even Germany's potential success in the upcoming European Football Championship.
  4. Former CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is set to participate in events alongside protesters, adding a political contrast to the Catholic Meeting's discussions on democracy protection and war and peace issues.
  5. Unrelated to the Catholic Day, a group of protesters gathered outside the Thuringian General Newspaper building, demonstrating against Israeli actions in Gaza, although Scholz avoided meeting with them.
  6. Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) and Social Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) are also part of the coalition government's commitment to promoting democracy and protecting it from potential threats in Germany.



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