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Scholz leads Merz in both eastern and western regions as the favored candidate for chancellor.

If elections occurred this coming Sunday, CDU/CSU would likely emerge victorious, as per a recent survey. Nonetheless, the current leader holds an advantage when considering who would be chosen as chancellor.

Laut der Forsa-Umfrage würden 33 Prozent für Olaf Scholz stimmen und 31 Prozent für Friedrich...
Laut der Forsa-Umfrage würden 33 Prozent für Olaf Scholz stimmen und 31 Prozent für Friedrich Merz (r).

Research study conducted on public's opinions - Scholz leads Merz in both eastern and western regions as the favored candidate for chancellor.

If given the chance, a Forsa survey reveals that more people would pick current Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) over Friedrich Merz, the leader of the CDU, as their top choice.

Results from the recent RTL/ntv Trendbarometer reveal that 33% would vote for Scholz and 31% for Merz. In the eastern part of the country, Scholz leads with 30%, while Merz has the support of 28% of the population. In the west, Scholz garners 34% of the vote, compared to Merz's 32%. There is a gender split as well, with more men supporting Merz and more women opting for Scholz.

In the most recent poll, the Union still holds a clear lead, but loses two points, bringing their percentage to 30%. The SPD holds steady at 16%, with the AfD standing at 15%. The Greens lose one point, dropping to 13%, the FDP increases by one point to 6%, the BSW/Sahra Wagenknecht alliance sees a one-point gain, reaching 6%, and all other parties see a one-point boost to 14%.

Read also:

  1. Despite the lead of the Union in the polls, more people prefer Olaf Scholz (SPD) over Friedrich Merz (CDU) as the Chancellor, as revealed in a Forsa survey.
  2. The upcoming federal election in Germany could see a shift in power, with Olaf Scholz currently having the upper hand over Friedrich Merz in terms of chancellor preference, according to the survey.
  3. In the RTL/ntv Trendbarometer, Olaf Scholz emerged as the favored candidate for chancellor in both the eastern and western regions of Germany, with a slight advantage over Friedrich Merz.
  4. The results of the survey on the Sunday question suggest that the CDU's Friedrich Merz may face a challenge in the upcoming federal elections, given that more people prefer Olaf Scholz as Chancellor.
  5. The SPD and Olaf Scholz have gained momentum in recent polls, with the latter leading as the preferred chancellor candidate, according to several surveys, including the Forsa survey.
  6. The Bundestag elections in Germany could see a significant shift in power, with Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Friedrich Merz (CDU) emerging as the two leading candidates for chancellor, as per various polls and surveys.
  7. The question of who will be the next Chancellor of Germany has been a hot topic in recent surveys, with Olaf Scholz (SPD) leading over Friedrich Merz (CDU) in terms of preference, according to the latest RTL/ntv Trendbarometer and Forsa survey.


