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Schäfer's sexy appearance in front of children triggers discussion

First she puts it down, then on

Micaela Schäfer likes to show skin - was this not known in Cottbus?
Micaela Schäfer likes to show skin - was this not known in Cottbus?

Schäfer's sexy appearance in front of children triggers discussion

"Micaela Schafer," nicknamed "Nacktschnecke" (Naked Snail), performs as a DJ at a city festival in Cottbus - in her typically tight and sexy Outfit. A video of her performance has now raised concerns from moral watchdogs, as small children are seen in the front row.

It's hot in Germany, but reality star Micaela Schafer apparently chose to dress accordingly. The "Nacktschnecke" performs as a DJ at a city festival in Cottbus - in an ultra-tight Outfit. The 40-year-old goes on stage and gets the crowd going. In between, she sticks her derriere out to her audience and twerks. The Cottbus residents don't know whether they should dance or just watch.

Three very young partygoers in the front row are particularly amazed, as a video of the performance shows, which Schafer posted on Instagram. To the horror of many of her followers. "Why are there children in the front row?", "Honestly, there are children in the audience! That's just asocial! How on earth do kids get to this location for such an event?", or "The scene with the kids is quite disgusting!" they comment, shocked.

The criticism, however, is aimed less at Schafer and more at the parents of the children. "I'm a mother myself and I can tell you, Mica has no fault here and is not the problem. The parents, who bring their kids there ...", or "Instead of criticizing Micaela, criticize the parents who take their kids to such an event", defend Schafer's revealing performance in front of minors.

Look Away and Through!

In the video, it can be seen that it is already dark. Micaela Schafer's performance was announced in the program, which was published on Instagram in advance, for 10 pm. So it's definitely bedtime for children in the age group of the three in the front row. And since RTL-Dschungelcamp and various reality shows, it should no longer be a big surprise that Micaela Schafer likes to wear as little textile as possible on her body.

One of the children in the front row, a girl, solves the child protection issue in her own way: She simply keeps her eyes closed during Schafer's performance.

Despite the age-appropriate bedtime, three children attended Micaela Schafer's midnight performance at the city festival. In response to the controversy, some Instagram users defend Schafer, stating, "Micaela has no fault here, it's the parents who should be criticized for bringing their kids to such an event." Another user commends the resilience of one of the children, noting, "One of the children in the front row solved the issue by keeping her eyes closed during the performance."

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