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Saxony SPD sees serious shortcomings with traffic lights

Poor poll ratings before the election

Has a tough time in Saxony: SPD top candidate Petra Kö
Has a tough time in Saxony: SPD top candidate Petra Kö

Saxony SPD sees serious shortcomings with traffic lights

A poll shows that the "traffic light" parties will only achieve a combined eleven percent in the state elections in Saxony. Only the Greens would even make the five percent hurdle. SPD top candidate Köpping blames the federal government for this.

Just a few months before the state election in Saxony, the SPD state association there has blamed the Social Democratic-led federal government for its miserable poll results. "The poll results cannot be explained by state politics - but they reflect the mood here in Saxony towards the 'traffic light'," said the Saxon SPD's top candidate, Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping, in the Berlin newspaper "Tagesspiegel". She was referring to the latest poll by the Civey Institute, which puts the SPD in Saxony at just three percent - well below the five percent threshold.

In view of the poor nationwide mood, "state political issues are taking a back seat", said Köpping. "We are also making this clear in Berlin." The federal government had "disappointed the expectations of many people - especially here in the East", criticized the Social Democrat. "Many have the feeling that they are not being thought of when it comes to the many changes." A new state parliament will be elected in Saxony on September 1.

FPD at one percent in poll

In the survey conducted by the opinion research institute Civey, 37% of respondents voted for the AfD, the CDU came in at 33%, while the SPD would miss out on entering the Saxon state parliament. The FDP would also fail to reach the five percent hurdle with one percent, while the Greens came in at seven percent. The "Ampel" parties then achieved just eleven percent of the vote. Eight percent of respondents voted for the Left Party. Only a coalition of CDU, Greens and Left Party could therefore prevent a state government with AfD participation.

However, the head of the Forsa Institute, Manfred Güllner, described the survey by competitor Civey as "dubious". Güllner told the "Berliner Zeitung" newspaper: "The SPD will not disappear into oblivion in Saxony." He sees seven to eight percent as realistic. However, Güllner said he considered it "completely absurd" that the Saxon SPD had shrunk from seven to three percent in the Civey survey within four weeks.

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Despite the poor performance of the "traffic light" coalition in the polls for the State elections in Saxony, the SPD's top candidate, Petra Köpping, maintains that state political issues are taking a back seat due to the nationwide mood. She also critiques the federal government for disappointing expectations, particularly in the East, leading to the feeling that changes are not considering the needs of the people. On the other hand, the poll results indicate that the SPD in Saxony will only manage three percent, falling below the five percent threshold, while the Greens are the only "traffic light" party forecasted to surpass this hurdle.



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