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Sandra Hüller baptizes lifeboat for refugees

responsibility for the suffering

Sandra Hüller at the baptism of the rescue ship 'Sea-Eye 5'.
Sandra Hüller at the baptism of the rescue ship 'Sea-Eye 5'.

Sandra Hüller baptizes lifeboat for refugees

In the Mediterranean Sea, tens of thousands are drowning on their way to Europe. Sandra Hüller wants to do something against dying on migration routes and takes on the sponsorship for a new ship of the aid organization Sea-Eye. At the same time, she criticizes the "arrogance of politics."

Actress Sandra Hüller baptized a rescue ship that will help refugees in the Mediterranean Sea in the future. The ceremony took place in the harbor of the Italian city Ancona. "I wish this ship didn't have to exist," the 46-year-old was quoted as saying in a statement from the United4Rescue association.

The native of Suhl (Anatomy of a Case) took over the sponsorship of the almost 35-year-old cruiser "Sea-Eye 5." "I wish European and world governments would finally understand that migration doesn't stop when they allow dying on migration routes," so Hüller further. "It will stop when they take responsibility for the suffering of the people who are leaving their homeland due to the arrogance and ignorance of the rest of the world and politics."

For the private German aid organization Sea-Eye based in Regensburg, another rescue ship is currently underway in the Mediterranean. The central Mediterranean is one of the most important routes for people from Africa who want to come to Europe. "I wish this ship a peaceful sea and thank the crew for their unfortunately necessary work," said Hüller. "May this ship and the people on it be blessed."

A large part of the migrants and refugees come to Europe via the sea in Spain, Italy, and Greece. According to Statista, with a stand of 24. June in the year 2024, at least 1045 people have died in the Mediterranean Sea. Since 2014, approximately 29,949 refugees have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Alone in the year 2016, over 5000 people died on their way to Europe by sea.

Political Engagement against Right-wing Extremism

Sandra Hüller was the first German actress as best leading actress nominated at the Oscars in Los Angeles since Luise Rainer in 1932. Hüller was born in East Germany in Suhl, Thuringia. She studied in Berlin at the Ernst Busch Acting Academy.

The 46-year-old engages against right-wing extremism. "It's dangerous for democracy when many people let themselves be infected by the rough tone, inaccuracy, and violence in the language of the Right," said Hüller in an interview with Stern. She spoke at a rally against the Right in Leipzig in June before the European elections.

In the interview, Hüller was asked about the AfD's increasing focus on culture. She hears from her colleagues in the cultural scene that there are constant intimidation attempts, said Hüller. "For me, these people have already lost when they resort to such methods."

  1. Sandra Hüller, known for her acting in films like 'Toni Erdmann' and 'The Golden Glove', also demonstrated her commitment to humanitarian causes by sponsoring a new search and rescue ship for Sea-Eye, an organization operating in the Mediterranean.
  2. During the recent European elections, Sandra Hüller was a vocal critic of right-wing extremism and spoke out against hate speech and violence, emphasizing the importance of preserving democracy and upholding values of tolerance and respect.
  3. In a bid to raise awareness about the plight of refugees and migrants, Sandra Hüller decided to promote a documentary on the topic at a film festival, using the power of cinema and television as a platform for social change and entertainment.

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