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Salvini claims Trump is targeted by "politically-driven proceedings."

Response to Trump's Ruling

Salvini: Trump is the victim of "a politically motivated process"
Salvini: Trump is the victim of "a politically motivated process"

Salvini claims Trump is targeted by "politically-driven proceedings."

VP of Italy, Matteo Salvini, has shown his support for Donald Trump, the former US president who recently faced a trial and was found guilty of tax fraud. Salvini claimed on X platform that Trump was facing "persecution from the justice system" and a "politically motivated process." He further expressed his hope for Trump's win in the presidential election in November.

Similarly, Italian VP and Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, made his stance clear through a television interview, stressing that Italy is a US ally, and not favouring any particular president. Recognizing the decisions made by the American people.

However, due to recent surveys, Salvini's Lega party, which shares alliance with French party Rassemblement National of Marine Le Pen at the European level, seems to be fading in the limelight. In the upcoming European elections, Lega's voter support is projected to be around 8%, while it was 34.6% in 2019.

As a highly anticipated verdict, 77-year-old Trump was found guilty of tax fraud in a recent trial that has created a historical precedent in the US, marking the first time that a former president faced such charges. The sentence will be announced on 11th July.

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