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Saarland's Old Town in Ottweiler has experienced flooding.

Clearance at the break of dawn.

Large-scale evacuation: "nothing works" in the old town of Ottweiler.
Large-scale evacuation: "nothing works" in the old town of Ottweiler.

Saarland's Old Town in Ottweiler has experienced flooding.

The Neunkirchen district in Saarland is submerged: Almost all towns and municipalities are impacted by the flooding. The old town of Ottweiler is fully submerged under water. The German Meteorological Service only gives the all-clear early in the morning.

In Ottweiler, a town in the Neunkirchen district of Saarland, the dams have failed, causing water to flood into the old area. "The old town is entirely submerged. Everything has stopped functioning." said the district's spokeswoman. The mobile dykes and sandbags had also given way. The district office in town had been evacuated. "We have a major emergency situation at hand," said district administrator Sören Meng in a Facebook video. The emergency services are working around the clock. "The impact on the district is immense. Almost all towns and municipalities are affected." Ottweiler suffered the most damage. "Luckily, no one was harmed," she stated.

The situation worsened in the evening in the flooded areas of southwest Germany affected by continuous rainfall. Besides, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance issued a grave alert for residents following a dam breakdown in the Saarland municipality of Quierschied. In Schoden on the River Saar in Rhineland-Palatinate, the county requested residents in a few streets to depart their dwellings immediately.

Dam for coal-powered plant collapses

"Bild" reported that a protective dam at a coal-fired power plant in Quierschied broke, causing unclear consequences. Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR) stated, citing the State Office for the Environment and Occupational Safety, that water levels were predicted to remain increasing until midnight, and in some places till Saturday morning.

In Völklingen, Saarland, streets were disconnected from the power network due to incessant rain. However, the safe water supply was preserved, the town informed late in the evening. "In Völklingen, millions in damages are anticipated, particularly in the private sector," it said. "The extent of the damage cannot be predicted at the moment." In the districts of Lauterbach, Ludweiler, Geislautern, and Wehrden, in particular, more flooding is still expected. Sports facilities and the outdoor pool in the city center are also affected. The city urged people to continue monitoring the water levels and to act cautiously.

Disaster warning against venturing outdoors

The state capital of Saarbrücken declared an emergency situation earlier. The German Meteorological Service (DWD) issued a formal storm warning, implying a severe danger to life and limb due to heavy flooding and high water levels, the city announced in the late afternoon. It's possible that regions become impassable or trapped by masses of water, and landslides may occur.

Referring to the weather service, the Saarland state capital cautioned against spending time outside - as well as the potential for power outages. Additionally, the city warned of increasing water levels in streams and rivers. The city highway A 620 had to close due to flooding. Hundreds of firefighters were deployed for rescue missions. Throughout Saarland, heavy rain resulted in flooded streets, overflowing cellars, and landslides.

Early in the morning, the German Weather Service revoked all severe weather warnings in Germany. There is no longer a warning for "intense, continuous rain," the DWD reported. Nonetheless, in the northern part of Baden-Württemberg and in the Vorderpfalz area, the DWD continued to anticipate persistent rain till 8 a.m. on Saturday. Apart from the rain that has already poured, 15 to 20 liters per square meter are expected to fall locally. A spokeswoman for the situation center in Saarbrücken said early in the morning that no more evacuations are occurring in Saarland.

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