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Russian missile temporarily flew through Polish airspace on Friday morning

According to the Polish army

Russian missile temporarily flew through Polish airspace on Friday
Russian missile temporarily flew through Polish airspace on Friday

Russian missile temporarily flew through Polish airspace on Friday morning

According to Polish army sources, a Russian missile flew through Polish airspace on Friday morning and left again in the direction of Ukraine. "Everything indicates that a Russian missile has entered Polish airspace," Polish Chief of Staff Wieslaw Kukula told journalists.

The missile was spotted with the help of radar and immediately left Polish airspace in the direction of Ukraine.

The incident occurred against the backdrop of one of the most violent waves of attacks in recent months. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia used "almost all types of weapons" - Kinschal hypersonic missiles, S-300 missiles, cruise missiles and drones. According to the Ukrainian air force, most of the missiles and drones were intercepted.

According to the Ukrainian authorities, schools, shopping centers and residential buildings were attacked in six cities across the country. At least 18 people were killed and more than 130 others were injured. The massive Russian attacks were sharply criticized internationally.

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