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Russia sees Western approach as a risky shift in the balance of power

Expansion of NATO in Europe

Germany pledges 35,000 soldiers for a new NATO
Germany pledges 35,000 soldiers for a new NATO

Russia sees Western approach as a risky shift in the balance of power

The Russian military sees the expansion of NATO in Europe as a risky shift in the balance of power. "The European continent has become the political and economic arena of conflict between the West and Russia." Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov said this to foreign military diplomats in Moscow on Thursday, citing the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO and the strengthening of alliance forces in Eastern Europe, the Baltic region and the Black Sea as examples.

Gerasimov did not address the trigger for these events, the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine since February 2022. The conflict could intensify in the future, the top Russian soldier told the Interfax agency. The earlier confidence-building measures for security in Europe had therefore lost their meaning. However, Moscow continues to abide by the rules in order to avoid incidents.

In response to Finland's membership of NATO, Russia will set up new military districts for the Leningrad and Moscow regions, said the Chief of the General Staff. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and President Vladimir Putin had also previously spoken of these plans.

"We had the friendliest, warmest relations," Putin said in a television interview about neighboring Finland. "There were no problems. But now there will be, because we are setting up a Leningrad military district and concentrating certain military units there," said the Kremlin leader last Sunday. The Soviet name Leningrad is still used in Russia for the area around St. Petersburg.

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