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Russia seeks "peace in space" but is denied.

US Accused of Hypocritical Actions

Russia recently rejected an application to ban nuclear weapons in space, but has now applied to ban...
Russia recently rejected an application to ban nuclear weapons in space, but has now applied to ban all military projects in space.

Russia seeks "peace in space" but is denied.

Just recently, Russia sent out a veto on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in space at the UN Security Council. Currently, they're attempting to propose that space should not be used for military endeavors, but the effort isn't working in their favor. The U.S. has called out Moscow for its hypocrisy. The real intention behind this move is something else altogether.

A Russian motion suggesting an end to an arms race in space has lost in the UN Security Council. During a meeting in New York, seven countries voted for the proposed resolution while seven dismissed it. Among those voting in support were China; the U.S., Great Britain, France, and other countries cast their votes against the text. Switzerland stayed neutral. Regarding the previous rejected resolution by the U.S. and Japan against nuclear weapons in space due to Russia's forces, the American envoy Robert Wood condemned Moscow's manipulating tactics.

The Russian draft implores all countries to "swiftly take action to prevent the placement of weapons in space and the threat or utilization of force for all time". Wood labelled Russia's move as "insincere" and elaborated that Russia's true intention is to prevent the Security Council from focusing on Russia's "hazardous activities in outer space".

Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzia described the result as a crucial shift "between those who seek the peaceful use of outer space and those who support the militarization of outer space". He accused the Western countries of being mainly separated in the Security Council.

Threats to Satellites

This conversation at the UN comes after the U.S. reports from February about Russia's nuclear intentions in space. These nuclear capabilities were intended to be employed against satellites, potentially posing a threat to national and international security. The US government declared that Russia was developing military features for use against satellites – without providing specific details on the exact form of this threat.

Russian President Vladimir Putin refuted these allegations. He affirmed that Russia is fundamentally against the deployment of nuclear arms in space. Moscow criticized the American draft resolution in the UN Security Council as propaganda.

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