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Russia releases military diary for training purposes

Stalin-inspired messaging content

Wiktor Goremykin leitet die Zentralverwaltung für Militärpolitik im verteidigungsministerium.
Wiktor Goremykin leitet die Zentralverwaltung für Militärpolitik im verteidigungsministerium.

Russia releases military diary for training purposes

The Kremlin has released a new military publication, known as "Politruk," to brainwash its soldiers with political education. Politruk is modeled after Soviet-era military publications, with Vice-Defense Minister Goremykin introducing it back in the traditional manner. In its first issue, the magazine features quotes from the infamous dictator, Stalin, on the necessity of political education and the need to loathe the foe. Goremykin is not only an introductory writer for the combat publication but also the head of the Central Administration for Military Politics, a position he holds since 2018, with the primary objective of boosting the military's loyalty toward the government.

As per British reports, the Russian Defense Ministry launched the magazine on May 22nd. Its target audience is trainers of the Russian forces, with the intention of indoctrinating them with a political education. The magazine seeks to draw parallels between Ukraine and Nazi-era Russia, even going as far as to label Ukrainians as the Nazis. The magazine features a map of Ukraine that is used to fuel doubt about the legitimacy of Ukraine's sovereignty and validate Russia's intrusion.

This trend follows the Kremlin's politicized approach to history, prominent in educational policies over the past few years. Moscow continues to propagate false information among its military personnel and citizens, influencing their beliefs and actions. Politruk is another attempt to use this approach to shape the future of Russia's military mindset. A Politruk, or Political Commissar, is a special officer with expertise in political work in socialist countries. They're responsible for imparting political education to officers and soldiers, a role introduced in the Red Army in 1918 during the Russian Civil War. The position was later introduced in other armies of the Warsaw Pact after World War II.

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