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Russia frees six Ukrainian kids who were abducted.

Mediation effort made by Qatar

Ukrainian children abducted by Russia at the Qatari embassy in Moscow, where they were reunited...
Ukrainian children abducted by Russia at the Qatari embassy in Moscow, where they were reunited with their families.

Russia frees six Ukrainian kids who were abducted.

During Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it's estimated that they took away tens of thousands of kids. Now, however, six boys have finally been reunited with their loved ones. As reported by TASS, a Russian state news agency, these six young lads (ranging from 6-17 years old) were earlier abducted from Ukraine but have now been given back to their families. A meet-up was set up at the Qatari embassy in Moscow, with the help of Qatar's mediation, and two brothers were among those being returned.

This news was met with silence by Ukraine. The eventful encounter at the Qatari embassy had the presence of the Qatari ambassador and representatives from Russia's children's rights commissioner, Maria Lvova-Belova. An arrest warrant was issued back in 2023 by The Hague's International Criminal Court for both Lvova-Belova and Russian President Vladimir Putin due to the kidnapping of children from Ukraine and bringing them to Russia. Although Russia denies this allegation, Qatar has been actively aiding in the return of abducted children since July 2023. These children's families either lost their lives, got separated by rapidly spreading war fronts, or were separated in Ukrainian orphanages when Russia seized those territories.

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