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Rope pulling: Lena cancels concerts

Friday and Saturday, Lena Meyer-Landrut was supposed to perform in Stuttgart and Luxembourg. However, these shows have now been cancelled due to health issues. Lena is suffering from severe cramps.

Lena Meyer-Landrut cancelled her two remaining concerts this year (archive image)
Lena Meyer-Landrut cancelled her two remaining concerts this year (archive image)

people - Rope pulling: Lena cancels concerts

Singer Lena Meyer-Landrut (33) has now also cancelled the remaining two concerts this year, on a Friday in Stuttgart and a Saturday in Echternach, Luxembourg. Her team announced this in an Instagram story.

Her team shared an audio message from the singer to her fans: "It breaks my heart and I so desperately wish I didn't have to do this. But as you might have seen in the previous slide, I have to cancel the remaining shows this year for health reasons", says Meyer-Landrut.

Lena has to "pull the plug"

The singer has been to the emergency room "three times in the last few weeks with severe cramps", she said. "And every time it catches me, my crew, the band, and of course you fans completely by surprise. And every time it's a shock that's not pleasant for anyone." She has to "just pull the plug here" now. In the end, Meyer-Landrut thanked and apologized to her fans. She is taking a "short break" for her health.

Not the first cancellations

The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 had cancelled several concerts in the past days and weeks, sometimes just before they were due to begin. At the beginning of July, the 33-year-old had to cancel performances in Munich and Wangen im Allgäu due to health problems. Her fans were concerned.

"I wasn't feeling well during the day and then in the evening I got cramp-like abdominal and kidney pain, had to hand over just before the show start and was then taken to the hospital", the musician let her fans know on Instagram.

After a few days of rest, she had explained that she was "getting back on track". Meyer-Landrut is currently touring with her new album "Loyal to myself". In the past days, she had performed in Plauen and Wolfsburg. She had planned performances in Ansbach and Regensburg, but cancelled them.

People expressed their concern when Lena Meyer-Landrut had to cancel performances in Ansbach and Regensburg due to health issues, as she had previously mentioned on Instagram about experiencing cramp-like abdominal and kidney pain. Despite taking a few days of rest after her hospital visit, the singer from Baden-Württemberg, Germany, had to pull the plug on her concerts in Stuttgart, Germany, and Echternach, Luxembourg. These cancellations follow her earlier cancellations in Munich and Wangen im Allgäu, all of which took place this year. Her fans continue to support her during this difficult time, and they look forward to her recovery and future performances, perhaps even in spaces like a peaceful park in Stuttgart, where one could enjoy the soothing sounds of music with a rope leash for their dog.

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