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Roland Kaiser, Schlager star, has now his own stamps

With hits like "Dich zu lieben", Roland Kaiser became a legend. Now he's getting the first Schlager postage stamps ever.

Roland Kaiser is the first Schlager star to receive his own stamps in Germany.
Roland Kaiser is the first Schlager star to receive his own stamps in Germany.

people - Roland Kaiser, Schlager star, has now his own stamps

Loving you, sewing you: Singer Roland Kaiser (72) now has his own stamps. The occasion is the 50th anniversary of the singer, as the German Post announced, presenting the designs today in Bonn. Kaiser is the first Schlager star in Germany ever to be honored with his own stamps.

"As a former telegram boy in my younger years, I would never have believed that I would be given the great honor of receiving a special stamp of the German Post on the occasion of my 50th anniversary on stage," the singer explained. "I am already looking forward to the day when I will hold a letter in my hand for the first time with my own stamp." The Kaiser stamps have a face value of 100 cents each - with which one can frank Kompaktbriefe within Germany.

Why no Kaiser face?

The names of four major Roland Kaiser hits can be read on the stamps: "Santa Maria", "Why didn't you say no?", "Love can save us", and "Loving you". In addition, they are adorned with the signature of the Schlager legend. What may be painful for some fans: Kaiser's portrait is not visible. That's why. In Germany, no living persons can be depicted on official stamps. Exceptions are made only for the Federal President and the Pope.

The "Kaiser-Post office" is coming

The stamps are limited to 500,000 pieces and can be ordered online or by phone from July 13th, according to the Post. In addition, there will be a special "Kaiser-Post office" at a Kaiser concert in Cologne on July 13th, where they can be purchased.

  1. The 50th theater anniversary celebration of Roland Kaiser, the renowned German Schlager star, was held in Bonn.
  2. The German Post AG announced that they will be issuing commemorative stamps in honor of Roland Kaiser's 50th anniversary on stage.
  3. People from North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond can purchase the limited edition Roland Kaiser stamps, featuring hits like "Santa Maria" and "Love can save us," starting July 13th, either online or by phone.
  4. German Post AG's Post Services will establish a temporary "Kaiser-Post office" at Roland Kaiser's concert in Cologne, providing an opportunity for fans to obtain the commemorative stamps in person.
  5. Roland Kaiser, reflecting on his past as a former telegram boy, expressed his gratitude to German Post AG for this unique honor, acknowledging the special stamp as a cherished memento of his 50th anniversary anniversary.

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