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Richard Lugner had heart surgery

Bull in danger

I have been in good hands
I have been in good hands

Richard Lugner had heart surgery

Recently, Richard "Moortel" Lugner got married again. Now a health shock: Due to a tear in his heart valve, Lugner had to undergo emergency surgery recently. He is hovering between life and death. The entrepreneur overcame the surgery and provided an update.

The concern for his health does not abate: According to the "Bild" newspaper, Richard Lugner had to undergo heart surgery at the Vienna University Clinic AKH recently. The 91-year-old Austrian construction entrepreneur underwent the procedure last week due to a tear in his heart valve.

"On Thursday, I was still at the premiere of 'My Fair Lady' at the Morbisch Seefestspiele. On Friday, I was taken to the AKH hospital early because my heart valve tear had grown larger," Lugner is quoted as saying. This had to be operated on immediately, as it was already life-threatening.

Privately, things are going well

"But I was in good hands," says the 91-year-old, who recently married for the sixth time. In the Vienna University Clinic, there is a focus department for heart valves. His heart valve was stabilized using a clip method via the vein. On Tuesday, July 16, Lugner was discharged from the hospital according to "Bild".

Six weeks earlier, on June 1, the entrepreneur known under the nickname "Moortel" made headlines with his sixth wedding. He married his new wife Simone "Bienchen" Reinlaender in Vienna. The 42-year-old had previously worked as a leading employee at a DIY store. In October 2021, the two were briefly engaged. They plan to celebrate their love comeback at Easter 2024.

Even before the wedding, Richard "Moortel" Lugner was convinced that he had found his dream woman this time. A seventh wedding was unlikely. In front of reporters, he assured: "This is certainly a wonderful woman I am marrying. We get along, she is great in her career, fits into my Lugner City, makes my garden, which was a wilderness, beautiful again. I can't complain about her at all. We understand each other best." Now, with the precarious health situation, Lugner is happy to have someone by his side.

Despite his health challenges, Richard Lugner's love life continues to be a source of entertainment. Following his sixth wedding to Simone "Bienchen" Reinlaender in June, he expressed his gratitude for his new companion, stating, "This is certainly a wonderful woman I am marrying." (entertainment, Richard Lugner)

Despite undergoing heart surgery due to a tear in his heart valve, Austrian entrepreneur Richard Lugner, better known as "Moortel," is determined to celebrate his love comeback with Simone "Bienchen" Reinlaender at Easter 2024. (Disease, Austria, Richard Lugger)

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