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Respect isn't Mandated for Lionel Richie

Hymn-singer in place of cleric

Still restless at 75: Lionel Richie.
Still restless at 75: Lionel Richie.

Respect isn't Mandated for Lionel Richie

Hey there,

Tunes like "Hello," "Sweet Thing Called Love," or " Three Times a Lady" might be considered sappy ballads by some, but let's face it - Lionel Richie's mellow vocals have catapulted him to music fame. So don't hold back, not even at the ripe age of 75.

Recent years have been filled with significant moments for Lionel Richie. He was inducted into the prestigious Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, witnessed his daughter Sofia's extravagant wedding, and is now expecting to become a grandfather for the second time. He prefers to be called "Pop-Pop" instead of "Grandpa." Lionel mentioned this in an interview.

Not only has he performed at the royal coronation celebrations in the UK, but the artist, who turns 75 on a Thursday, continues to entertain with a packed calendar of concerts throughout the year.

With hits like "Hello," "Truly," "Sweet Thing Called Love," and "Three Times a Lady," Lionel Richie has become a household name. Many of his songs are timeless classics and can be heard on the radio worldwide. Richie himself admits to often listening to these tunes - and always feels a sense of pride whenever he hears them. "I hear them for a minute or so, chat with someone, and then: 'Oh, what a great song.' And then: 'That's mine.'"

Listening to himself

While modesty wasn't one of his strongest suits, his own songs helped him during difficult times. "I went through a challenging time in my life when I lost my father and got divorced," he told the British "Mirror" once. "Then a friend advised me to listen to some uplifting records. He gave me my own records, and I started appreciating the lyrics from a new perspective."

This helped him. "My friend said: 'You have the answers, but it's time for you to listen to yourself.' I had been observing the audience and wondering why they would cry when they heard my songs, but now I understand - the music touches you on a deeper level." He has achieved his goals. "I even surpassed my expectations a long time ago, when someone told me: 'You have 40 years of albums that will outlive you.'"

Born in a Small Town

Born as Lionel Brockman Richie Jr. in 1949 in Tuskegee, a small town in Alabama, Lionel was raised by the entire town. The singer once shared that he dedicated an album to it in 2012. During his school years, which he also spent part of in Illinois, he showed exceptional skill in tennis and even earned a scholarship to Tuskegee University. Here, he met the Soul-Band Commodores and went on to become their saxophonist and vocalist.

I was too scrawny for Basketball, not athletic enough for Football, and too sluggish for Sprinting. The only sport I could do was Tennis. But on the tennis court, there were no ladies. Then I stepped onto the stage, and the girls in the front row were screaming. I knew then that was it.

The Commodores served as the opening act for the Jackson Five, and Richie wrote the biggest hits for the band - tunes like "Easy," "Three Times a Lady," and "Sail On" are still popular today.

In between, the deeply religious singer also considered joining the priesthood. "But to make a long story short: I became a member of the Commodores and got a chance to perform," Richie stated. "A girl in the first row shouted 'Sing, Baby!' After that, I called the priests and told them I wasn't meant to be a priest." As a songwriter, Richie continued to gain success and eventually took on commissions for other artists. He wrote "Lady" for the late country star Kenny Rogers, the title song for the film "Endless Love," and both reached the top of the charts.

On a personal note, things got complicated. The relationship with the other members of the Commodores became strained due to Richie's songwriting victories, but as a solo artist, he became even more successful. With three successful albums - "Lionel Richie," "Can't Slow Down," and "Dancing on the Ceiling" - the ballad king became known worldwide in the 80s. Four Grammys and an Oscar for the song "Say You, Say Me" from the film "White Nights - The Night of Decision" cemented his status as a superstar. In his house in Los Angeles, he collects fine art today and boasts six shelves full of awards and accolades.

Privately, things took a turn. An affair with Diane Alexander came to light, and in 1993, Richie's college friend Brenda Harvey filed for divorce after 18 years of marriage. Shortly after, Richie married Alexander and had a son and a daughter with her. This marriage also ended in 2004.

With ex-wife Harvey, Richie had adopted the then two-year-old Nicole, daughter of one of his bandmates, in 1983. Now a TV star and former best friend of heiress Paris Hilton to a younger generation, Nicole Richie is almost as famous as her father. Married to Good Charlotte singer Joel Madden, she has made Lionel Richie a grandfather twice. "When Nicole was young, I was trying to be Lionel Richie. I wasn't there as much as I should have been," the singer recently admitted. "But today we are enormously close, and I am a very proud grandfather. She is a wonderful mother."

As a multi-tasker, Richie juggles his familial responsibilities, serves as a juror on "American Idol", peddles scents identical to his tunes, and battles breast cancer. Retirement is the furthest thing from his mind, according to the musician. "Each day I work out, I see my son Miles improving. Each day I believe I'm the most awesome, my daughters Nicole and Sofie bring me back down to earth. They make me realize time is slipping away. Yet, the industry keeps me motivated. I'm hooked on innovation. I live for the rush."

Richie's adopted daughter Nicole is a celebrity in her own right.
He began his career as a member of the Commodores.

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