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Researchers face growing hostility, insults, and threats from others.

New research from DZHW reveals insights on...

Scientists are increasingly affected by hostility, insults and threats
Scientists are increasingly affected by hostility, insults and threats

Researchers face growing hostility, insults, and threats from others.

In recent times, researchers have been facing rising levels of hostility, insults, and even threats. A survey conducted by the German Center for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) found that approximately 45% of them have experienced such incidents. Christian Blümel, who led the study at DZHW, informally elaborated that the majority reported a rise in hostility.

The weekly newspaper "Die Zeit" was the first to report on the survey's results. It was observed that 70% of respondents noticed a significant increase in hostility towards science. Even during the COVID-19 situation, many scientists have faced a torrent of hate comments, insults, and even death threats after appearing on media channels. Christian Drosten, a prominent virologist, had to witness a couple harassing and verbally abusing him during their stay at a campsite in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The couple was warned for their actions, and the final verdict is yet to be delivered.

As the year 2022 drew to a close, almost 45% of those surveyed by DZHW recounted confrontations, with most of them being verbal attacks. Blümel, the director of the study, affirmed that this hostility encompasses not just professors but people from various positions in the academic community. When asking about their personal experiences, the survey allowed for multiple responses. Criticism aimed at undermining the competency of the researcher was the most common (35%).

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The DZHW study revealed that 70% of scientists noted a significant increase in hostility towards their field, with threats being one of the concerning aspects. Despite facing such threats, prominent scientists like Christian Drosten continue to face verbal abuse and intimidation, as witnessed during his stay at a campsite.


