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Republicans take action against Trump's electoral exclusion in Colorado

A court in Colorado has disqualified Donald Trump from taking part in the state's primary election. However, the Republicans are not prepared to accept this and have asked the US Supreme Court for help.

An appeal has been lodged against the ballot paper ruling by a court in Colorado regarding
An appeal has been lodged against the ballot paper ruling by a court in Colorado regarding Donald Trump's

Appeal lodged - Republicans take action against Trump's electoral exclusion in Colorado

New development in the legal ballot dispute surrounding former US President Donald Trump: The Republican Party of Colorado has appealed against the decision of the US Supreme Court that Trump is ineligible for the presidency and asked the US Supreme Court to intervene. The Republicans are being represented by the conservative law firm American Center for Law & Justice.

The court's ruling is "wrong", according to the application filed on Wednesday evening (local time). "Until the Colorado Supreme Court's decision is overturned, any voter has standing to challenge the disqualification of a political candidate."

Donald Trump had only announced his appeal so far

Last week, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump was ineligible for the presidency due to his role in the storming of the Capitol on 6 January 2021 and therefore could not take part in the primary election. Trump wants to enter the race for the White House for the Republicans again next November. His opponents are trying to have Trump's name removed from the ballot papers for the presidential election in various states. They are arguing on the basis of a constitutional amendment that excludes people from elections who have instigated a "rebellion" against the constitution. So far, they have only been successful in Colorado.

Trump had announced an appeal against the ruling in Colorado - but has not yet lodged one. The Supreme Court in Colorado had itself stayed its decision until the issue has been finally clarified in the event of an appeal. Trump's name is therefore likely to be on the ballot for his party's primary election in the state at the beginning of next year.

In the US state of Michigan, on the other hand, the Supreme Court rejected Trump's exclusion from the primary election there on Wednesday. In their brief reasoning, the seven justices stated that they were "not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this Court" before the primary election takes place on February 27 next year.

A group of democracy activists called Free Speech For People had based the request to the Supreme Court on Trump's role in the storming of the US Capitol in Washington.

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