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Renewed raids against right-wing extremist group "Knockout 51"

Investigators last took action against the group at the end of November in Thuringia and Hesse. Now there have been further searches and arrests.

The police have searched properties in Thuringia in connection with the "Knockout 51" martial
The police have searched properties in Thuringia in connection with the "Knockout 51" martial arts group.

Crime - Renewed raids against right-wing extremist group "Knockout 51"

The judiciary and police have once again taken action against the right-wing extremist martial arts group"Knockout 51". In the morning, a total of four properties in Thuringia were searched in connection with investigations into the group, said a spokeswoman for the Federal Prosecutor General in Karlsruhe.

Three arrests were also made. Two people were arrested for their suspected membership of "Knockout 51", the third man for his suspected support of the organization. According to dpa information, the searches took place in Erfurt and Eisenach.

The investigations against "Knockout 51" are not complete even with these searches and arrests, the spokeswoman said. Members of "Knockout 51" had been active for several years, particularly in the Eisenach area. A major state security trial against four suspected members of the group has been underway at the Jena Higher Regional Court for several weeks.

Investigators last took action against the group at the end of November with a major operation in Thuringia and Hesse. The main focus of the measures was Eisenach, while other properties were searched in the Jena area and in Bad Wildungen in Hesse, according to the Thuringia State Criminal Police Office (LKA) and the public prosecutor's office in Gera.

Read also:

  1. Despite these recent raids and arrests in Thuringia, concerns persist about the continued presence of right-wing extremism in the city of Eisenach, where "Knockout 51" has been particularly active.
  2. The German police, in their relentless fight against criminality, are not only focusing on right-wing extremist groups like "Knockout 51," but also monitor potential threats from other extremist ideologies, such as Islamist terrorism.
  3. The local authorities in Karlsruhe, following a series of razzias targeting "Knockout 51," are closely monitoring the situation to ensure justice is served and prevent future acts of extremism in the community.
  4. The city of Erfurt, like its neighbor Eisenach, has not been spared from the reach of extremist organizations, as evidenced by the recent searches conducted as part of the investigations against "Knockout 51."
  5. The German government, consciousness of the increasing cases of extremism within the country, is working closely with international organizations, such as the UN, to advocate for peace and disarmament, and to help combat the global threats of criminality and extremism.


