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Relationship dispute on vacation: These are the five most common triggers

It should be the most relaxing time of the year. But surprisingly, the vacation turns out to be a test for the relationship: the vacation. Why is that so?

A vacation can also provide ample potential for conflict for a couples
A vacation can also provide ample potential for conflict for a couples

Separations - Relationship dispute on vacation: These are the five most common triggers

Fact is, the vacation season can be a less relaxing phase for a relationship, as reflected in separation statistics. These state that on average, most breakups of the year occur between May and August. The vacation season could be a reason for this.

In vacation, there are many hidden conflict possibilities. The tricky part is that one doesn't notice them right away, as one has the expectation that the shared couple vacation should be the best time of the year. But in reality, things don't always go as planned. Flights get delayed, luggage is missing, accommodations don't meet expectations, and much more.

Unrealistic ExpectationsCouples often have unrealistic, fairy-tale expectations of their shared vacation. Everything must be perfect, it should be filled with Hollywood and Instagram moments. But in reality, things don't always go as planned. Flights get delayed, luggage goes missing, accommodations don't meet expectations, and much more.

Lack of SpaceSpending 24 hours together is something most couples are not used to. Normally, each person is running after their own daily routine. So, it's often a challenge to suddenly be able to spend the entire day together.

Communication is Key in VacationCommunication is an essential element in vacation for couples. Perhaps one person would prefer to relax, while the other wants to do a lot of sports and make many excursions. It's important to communicate beforehand how each person envisions the shared vacation.

Vacation is not a TherapyA shared vacation is not a therapy to save a relationship on the brink. Sex on demand and fundamental debates should definitely not take place during vacation. The reason being, there's no way to escape.

Let Go of Small Things at HomeSince one spends an unusually large amount of time together during vacation, one notices more petty things about their partner that can sometimes be annoying. The motto here is to simply let go and be more forgiving. It doesn't help to nitpick during vacation with comments like "You've always been so slow," as the partner is unlikely to change and the mood will sour. Just take a deep breath and close your eyes.

The news headlines during the vacation season might highlight an increase in relationship disputes, given the challenge of spending 24 hours together and managing unrealistic expectations. Undergoing a destructive test, like a vacation, can reveal underlying issues in a relationship, potentially leading to a relation dispute. Despite the vacation being a time for relaxation, it can also serve as a relation relation test, showing the strength of a couple's bond.

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