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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

Peter Zwegat, the well-known financial expert behind RTL's format "Debt Free", has tragically passed away at the age of 74. Cologne-based broadcaster honorably recognized his "passion and compassion". From 2007 to 2019, Zwegat served as a financial advisor and debt counselor, lending his expertise in almost 140 episodes and various TV specials. RTL announced his sudden and unexpected death on August 9. The funeral was a private affair with close relatives and friends, as per RTL's statement.

Markus Küttner, the entertainment chief of RTL, reflects on Zwegat's impact, stating, "Peter Zwegat assisted numerous individuals in rebuilding their lives with his unwavering dedication and compassion. His talent for simplifying complex financial issues and offering viable solutions was truly remarkable. He will be forever immortalized as a one-of-a-kind expert and a relatable human being." Extending his sympathies, Küttner wrote, "Our thoughts are with Zwegat's wife and his friends."

"Unmatched Insights"

According to Küttner, Zwegat transformed his "in-depth knowledge and unmatched insights" into the homes of countless viewers through "Debt Free". During his tenure with RTL, Zwegat gained immense popularity through his "compassionate approach". As a debt counselor, he instilled hope and offered a way out of financial turmoil for many: "His achievements in the TV sphere were undeniable, and his contributions were greatly admired."

In honor of Peter Zwegat, RTL is making programming changes. Select episodes of "Debt Free" will be rebroadcast on RTLUp at 8:15 PM and 1:05 PM every Saturday.

Peter Zwegat's "in-depth knowledge and unmatched insights" in financial expertise were showcased through the entertaining and educational format of "Debt Free", reaching many viewers at home. Markus Küttner, the entertainment chief of RTL, acknowledged the positive impact Zwegat had on countless lives, not just as a financial advisor, but as an empathetic and compassionate individual.

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