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Refugees grip the underside of a moving vehicle.

Secret journey in Bavaria

The underbody of a vehicle (symbolic image).
The underbody of a vehicle (symbolic image).

Refugees grip the underside of a moving vehicle.

In a surprising scenario reminiscent of movies, two men were found riding on the bottom of a bus in Bavaria. However, it wasn't until one of them fell that they were noticed. A woman driving behind the bus managed to brake before hitting the fallen man. While the men only faced minor injuries, they were both covered in soot after the event.

Two refugees were found to have stowed away under a coach on the 99 freeway in Ebersberg, Bavaria. This incident took place on Sunday, and the police reported that the men sustained minor injuries.

The woman driving behind the bus was able to slow down before hitting the fallen man. The bus eventually stopped near Vaterstetten, alerted by the honking of the woman. A second man then emerged from under the vehicle and went to his companion.

The police informed that the two men were asylum seekers from Morocco, aged 26. The exact duration of their journey under the bus and how they ended up there are still unknown. However, the police spokesperson opined that they must have been near the exhaust system, explaining the soot cover on the men. The second man also experienced abrasions, resulting in both being taken to the hospital.

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The daring incident of stowing away occurred on an international route, specifically on the 99 freeway in Bavaria. Due to this risky attempt, the safety of regular traffic, including vehicles from various countries, was potentially endangered.

Subsequent traffic accidents might have been averted due to the alertness of drivers like the woman who honked near Vaterstetten, demonstrating the importance of international cooperation in addressing refugee challenges and ensuring road safety.




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