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Ramelow seeks to modify the fundamental statute within the constitution.

Via a public vote

"I don't want a new, completely different constitution," says Bodo Ramelow.
"I don't want a new, completely different constitution," says Bodo Ramelow.

Ramelow seeks to modify the fundamental statute within the constitution.

Celebrating its 75th anniversary, does the Basic Law deserve to be replaced with a German constitution? This idea is being proposed by Bodo Ramelow, the Minister President of Thuringia. By doing this, he aims to debunk the false claims of conspiracy theorists, Reich citizens, and other "conspirators".

To commemorate 75 years since the publication of the Basic Law, Ramelow suggests a constitutional referendum. This would help address the "emotional disconnect" in East Germany towards the Basic Law, explained the Left Party politician in "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". The move is possible under Article 146, which states that the validity of the Basic Law ceases once a constitution that has been adopted freely by the German people comes into force. The 75th anniversary is approaching on Thursday, marking the day the Parliamentary Council announced the Basic Law in 1949.

A referendum is also essential due to the presence of conspiracy theorists, Reich citizens, and other "conspirators" who misinterpret Article 146 to argue that the Federal Republic doesn't exist, claimed Ramelow. "It's then clear that the shouters are merely a radical minority." His intention isn't to significantly alter the current constitution: "I don't want a new, completely different constitution."

Ramelow also endorsed the decision to achieve reunification in 1990 by quickly integrating the East German states into the Federal Republic, instead of waiting for a joint constitution. Had Germany pursued the latter option, "doubters and skeptics among our neighbors would probably have been victorious," he believed. However, the question of constitutions under Article 146 remains unanswered to this day, which is the second step Ramelow wants to address.

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