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Questioner takes Trump challenger Haley by surprise

"It was about slavery"

"What do you want me to say about slavery?" Haley replied to the
"What do you want me to say about slavery?" Haley replied to the

Questioner takes Trump challenger Haley by surprise

Nikki Haley wants to campaign for the Republicans in the presidential election. At an event in New Hampshire, the 51-year-old is asked a question about the American Civil War. Haley's answer even ends up calling US President Joe Biden into action.

Just a few weeks before the start of the preliminary voting for the US presidential candidates, Republican candidate Nikki Haley stumbled across a question about the American Civil War. At a town hall meeting in the US state of New Hampshire, she gave a rambling answer to the question about the causes of the Civil War - but without mentioning slavery at all.

The reason for the bloody war between 1861 and 1865 was essentially "how the government should be run" and "what people could and could not do", the former UN ambassador said on Wednesday. She added that "it's always about the role of government and the rights of the people".

In response, the questioner said it was "astonishing" that slavery was not mentioned in Haley's answer. Scholars agree that slavery was at the heart of the American Civil War between the Northern and Southern states. Clearly caught off guard, Haley asked the man: "What do you want me to say about slavery?". The 51-year-old then moved on to the next question. US President Joe Biden commented on a video clip of the event in New Hampshire on social media with the words: "It was about slavery."

In a radio interview, the Republican presidential candidate tried to recapture her comment, in which she reiterated that the Civil War was "of course about slavery". Haley went on to accuse the questioner of being a "Democratic stool pigeon" sent to damage her campaign and support her Republican rival Donald Trump.

The politician has made significant gains in polls for the Republican primary race in recent weeks, knocking Florida Governor Ron DeSantis out of second place behind former US President Trump. However, the gap to the first-placed candidate is huge: in the polls for the primary in New Hampshire on January 23, Trump is 20 points ahead of Haley.

Read also:

In the 2024 US presidential election, Nikki Haley, a Republican candidate, found herself in a heated discussion about the American Civil War during a town hall meeting in New Hampshire. After being criticized for omitting slavery as a cause, Haley later acknowledged that slavery was indeed a significant factor in the Civil War.


