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Public spending on education recently increased

A total of 176.3 billion euros

Teachers' Association President Dürr warns of cutbacks in training and traineeships as well as
Teachers' Association President Dürr warns of cutbacks in training and traineeships as well as cuts in education

Public spending on education recently increased

Public spending on education has recently increased. The federal, state and local governments spent a total of 176.3 billion euros on this in 2022, 5.3 percent more than in the previous year, according to the Federal Statistical Office on Thursday. At 87.5 billion euros, almost half of the money went to schools. 40.5 billion euros was spent on child daycare (23.0 percent) and 35.4 billion euros on universities (20.1 percent). Converted to the total population, 2090 euros per inhabitant were spent on education (2021: 2011 euros).

Last year, the share of public spending on education in gross domestic product (GDP) remained at the 2021 level of 4.6 percent, compared to 4.8 percent in 2020. Experts are also calling for significantly more investment in this area in light of the poor performance of German pupils in the international PISA comparative test.

"The proportion of GDP spent on education did not increase last year," said Bettina Kohlrausch, Scientific Director of the Hans Böckler Foundation's Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI). "The Pisa study and the experience of the pandemic have shown that extensive and constant investment is urgently needed." This would not only deprive children and young people of future opportunities. "The country is also depriving itself of the skilled workers we need to overcome the challenges we face," said Kohlrausch.

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