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Public Prosecutor's Office rejects Boateng verdict

Four times, a court in Munich has dealt with violence accusations against Jerome Boateng - and that's not all.

Jerome Boateng was found guilty and warned by the court. The prosecution wants the proceedings not...
Jerome Boateng was found guilty and warned by the court. The prosecution wants the proceedings not to be terminated.

Former national player - Public Prosecutor's Office rejects Boateng verdict

In the proceedings against former football national player Jérôme Boateng, the final word is still not spoken. The prosecution has filed a revision against the judgment of Munich Regional Court I from last week, according to a court spokesperson of the German Press Agency.

The court had convicted the World Cup winner of 2014 for intentional bodily harm against his ex-girlfriend on the previous Friday. However, he was only warned for this offense. A suspended fine of 200,000 Euro was imposed, which he would have to pay if he violated the conditions.

These conditions stipulate that he must pay 50,000 Euro each to two charitable organizations that work for children.

The prosecution had demanded a fine of 1.12 million Euro.

The proceedings against the long-term defender of FC Bayern Munich, who recently transferred from Italian club US Salernitana to Linzer ASK in Austria, are dragging on. The Munich District Court had already imposed a fine against Boateng in 2021: 60 suspended fines of 30,000 Euro each, totaling 1.8 million Euro.

The Munich Regional Court I then sentenced Boateng in October 2022 in the second instance for bodily harm and defamation to a fine of 120 suspended fines of 10,000 Euro - a total of 1.2 million Euro. However, the Bavarian Higher Regional Court quashed the judgment due to persistent legal errors - therefore, the case was rolled back before the Munich Regional Court I.

"That's it. Fortunately – after six years", says Judge Susanne Hemmerich after the judgment. But it seems that it will go on. The revision must be decided by the Bavarian Highest Regional Court again.

  1. Jerome Boateng, the soccer star from Bavaria, is currently involved in a court process related to an allegation of violence.
  2. The German Press Agency reported that the Munich Regional Court I issued a judgment against Boateng last week, convicting him of intentional body harm.
  3. Boateng, a former member of the German national soccer team and a long-term defender of FC Bayern Munich, was only warned for this offense.
  4. The Munich District Court had previously imposed a fine of 1.8 million Euro on Boateng in 2021 for violations related to his girlfriend.
  5. The prosecutor's office in Germany is challenging the recent judgment, seeking to overturn the decision made by the Munich Regional Court I.
  6. The German media has been closely following the details of the case, with various judgments and deliberations being reported by the German Press Agency.
  7. The proceedings against Boateng have dragged on for several years, causing concern among many people in Germany about the ongoing criminality associated with his actions.

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