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Protesters march through Sylt to denounce right-wing radicalism.

Video depicts partygoers on Sylt exclaiming "Foreigners out"; outrage erupts nationwide in Germany, resulting in protests against right-wing extremism in Westerland.

Demonstration against the right in Westerland.
Demonstration against the right in Westerland.

Protesters march through Sylt to denounce right-wing radicalism.

One week following the exposure of a scandalous video from a bar on Sylt, nearly 450 individuals strove against racism and right-wing extremism in Westerland. The leftist coalition "Sylt against Right-wingers" instigated the protest on Sunday in front of the town hall.

The alliance declared, "We convey a resounding response: Racism and far-right philosophy are unacceptable on Sylt. Regardless of whether native or tourist, we advocate for a diverse and lively island." On their placards, you could see expressions such as "Zero tolerance for intolerance."

Eminent authorities and the third deputy mayor of Sylt Municipality, Katrin Kupfer, were part of the orators. The authorities reported an amiable course of the affair. There was also a demonstration in Keitum, featuring a limited crowd.

Punks Show More than Words

The day before, a handful of punks had conveyed their disapproval in Westerland. A group of about ten people embarked on a demonstration in the afternoon under the word "Be Vocal against Right-wingers!" Their banners bore messages like "Human rights over right-wing minds," "Avert the pogroms of tomorrow," and "Refugees are welcomed."

Approximately a week prior, a clip from a party in a Kampen bar inflicted alarm across the nation since attendees shouted verbal abuse, such as "Foreigners out" and "Germany for the Germans," during the tune "L'amour toujours." The video disseminated rapidily on the internet. Politicians, even Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), conveyed their repugnance.

Punks have manifested their visions on Sylt in the past two years. Previously, there was a "protest camp against the segregation of society via gentrification and fortune's exclusion of the poor and promoting fellowship and solidarity" for multiple weeks. The complaints always encompassed commotion, litter, and noxious odors. This summer, the punks intend to set their tents on Sylt from July 22 for several weeks.

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